Anar Eyvazov: “Only legitimate military targets are neutralized by our units”

On September 19, the Ministry of Defense held a briefing for media representatives. Okhu.Az reports that the head of the press service of the ministry, Colonel Anar Eyvazov, speaking at a briefing, said that the local anti-terrorist measures carried out by the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan continue successfully. According to him, during the events, more than 60 combat positions of the armed forces of Armenia were transferred to the control of our Armed Forces: “At the same time, more than 20 military vehicles, more than 40 artillery units, more than 30 mortars, 2 anti-aircraft missile systems, more than 6 “Martira” radio-electronic combat stations and other military equipment belonging to the units of the Armenian armed forces means have been neutralized. The information spread on some Armenian social media resources about the firing of civilian objects by our units is provocation and misinformation. The purpose here is to harm the image of our army and create a wrong idea about local anti-terrorist measures in the international community. It is also clear from the videos we have published on the official website and social media accounts of the Ministry of Defense that only legitimate military targets are struck by our units. During the local anti-terrorist measures in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, it was repeatedly observed that in order to evade the targets of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the units of the Armenian armed forces deployed various purpose armored combat equipment and firearms in residential areas, and at the same time attracted civilians to military objects. As you know, our arsenal has high-precision weapons and combat equipment that meet the most modern requirements. In many cases, the tasks given for the destruction of military objects targeted by our professional military personnel using these weapons were stopped after it was discovered that there were civilians in the military object. We would like to state once again that despite the deployment of military equipment by the Armenian armed forces in or around residential areas, only long-term firing points, military equipment and military infrastructure used for military purposes are disabled and neutralized as a result of high-precision firing. Video materials related to the facts I have mentioned have been regularly presented to the public and will be presented in the future. We call on the members of the armed forces of Armenia located in the Karabakh economic region of Azerbaijan to lay down their weapons and surrender. We also advise civilians in the area not to stand close to them and not to provide any assistance. Notifications relevant to the recommendation are delivered by loudspeaker and other technical means. During the briefing, media representatives were presented with video material.

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