Azerbaijani culture was displayed at the festival held in Moscow

The regional national-cultural autonomy of the Azerbaijanis of the Moscow region has duly represented Azerbaijan in the “Feast of Friendship”. The organizer of the event, which took place on September 16 in Mytishi district of Moscow, was Elshan Ibrahimov, chairman of the board of the regional national-cultural autonomy of the Azerbaijanis of the Moscow region, and Kamil Bayramov and Ulduz Askarova, members of the organization. The festival was attended by many guests led by the Minister of Information and Social Communications of the Moscow region. Exhibitions of colorful national costumes, national household items, delicious national cuisine, ethno master classes and, of course, fiery dances and songs did not leave anyone indifferent.

Azerbaijani culture and music were widely displayed at the event. Samples of Azerbaijan’s national cuisine attracted the attention of the guests.

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