Yashar Masimov: “The coming year represents a new page of our development history”

Chairman of the Regional National-Cultural Autonomy of Azerbaijanis of Orenburg Region, Yashar Masimov, congratulated our compatriots on the occasion of World Azerbaijani Solidarity Day and the coming year 2024. The congratulation said: “Last year was difficult for all of us. However, thanks to the strength of our spirit, our solidarity and support for each other, we were able to overcome all difficulties and strengthen our relations even more. Your participation in the life of society and the state, your activity and your contributions to the cultural, social and economic life of the region are an important factor in our overall success.
I would like to express my sincere support for the course conducted by President Vladimir Putin in our country. The head of our state demonstrates a high level of leadership and determination in the implementation of strategic tasks aimed at strengthening our defense capabilities. His decisive action in making decisions serves to protect peace and stability in our country.
I would like to emphasize the strengthening of relations between Russia and Azerbaijan. Our interaction and friendship continues to strengthen, which contributes to the sustainability and development of our nations. It should be remembered that our countries have a common history, culture and values, and the elimination of any differences should be based on dialogue and mutual understanding.
While celebrating the Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis and the year 2024, let’s not forget that our strength lies in our unity and interaction with each other. Together we can overcome any obstacles and reach greater heights. The coming year represents a new chapter in our development history. I hope this page will be filled with prosperity, prosperity and achievements. We can go this way together by supporting each other and showing our solidarity.
May the coming year bring you and your family joy, health, success and prosperity! May it be a year of great opportunities, new achievements and progress!”

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