COP29 is a platform of solidarity and cooperation

The unanimous selection of the Republic of Azerbaijan as a country to host the UN Climate Change Conference is another success of our state, as well as an indicator of its strong diplomacy on a global scale. Of course, Azerbaijan’s successful chairmanship of international institutions such as the UN Security Council, the Non-Aligned Movement and the Organization of Turkic States is a manifestation of the trust and confidence shown to it. It was the Eastern European regional group’s turn to host COP29 in 2024. Our country, which is included in the mentioned group, put forward its candidacy for holding the conference in Azerbaijan. The Eastern European regional group has identified Azerbaijan as the host country for COP29 in 2024. “This is a manifestation of the great respect and support of the international community for Azerbaijan.” President Ilham Aliyev expressed this opinion in his speech at the international forum on “COP29 and Green Vision for Azerbaijan” held at ADA University on April 23. Mr. President noted that we look at COP29 as an opportunity not only to demonstrate ourselves, but also to present the country. From the platform of Azerbaijan, the processes going on around the world within the framework of COP29, including issues related to the climate, other green ideas, and the green program will be considered.
The holding of COP29 in Azerbaijan can be considered the most important event of 2024 and a logical continuation of the country’s strategy of transition to a green economy. Within the framework of COP29, which will create new approaches to climate change, Azerbaijan will once again demonstrate that its agenda is related to green energy. As we know, the development of green energy and the access of green energy to world markets are among the priorities of Azerbaijan’s energy policy.
The aforementioned forum held in our capital is important in presenting Azerbaijan’s vision regarding regional security, energy transition and green growth. Thus, various approaches in terms of the creation of green and ecologically clean zones in Karabakh, wind and solar energy projects in Azerbaijan and other topics were not ignored.
The impact of the results of the Armenian occupation on the environment, including the very serious landmine problem and the elimination of its consequences, and other issues were discussed at the forum.
As it is known, forum participants visited Lachin. The liberation of Lachin, which was under occupation for 28 years, was an indicator of Azerbaijan’s political will. “When I say that the occupied territories were liberated by military and political means, Lachin is a clear example of this,” the President said, adding that we are continuing politically and I am sure that we can achieve all our goals by political means, and that is what we are demonstrating.
Answering the questions addressed to Mr. President at the forum, the head of state clarified the question about Eurasian integration. In recent years, it is known that Azerbaijan participates in the summit meetings of the Eurasian Economic Union and other international events. “Is Azerbaijan expected to become a member of this organization?” Regarding the question, the President said that we were indeed invited to the events of the Eurasian Economic Union at the level of both the President and the Prime Minister. Apart from Armenia, Azerbaijan has close partnership relations with all members of the Eurasian Economic Union. “It is enough for us to have a stable, domestic resource-based and diversified economy and good bilateral economic relations with the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union,” the President said.
In modern times, Azerbaijan, a reliable partner that closely cooperates with the countries of the world, has cooperation relations with Germany covering various fields. Successful pages have been opened in the relations between the two countries, and this is of great importance in terms of strengthening future cooperation. The head of state highly valued interstate relations.
As for the issue of peace negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the head of state said, “We are closer than ever to signing a peace agreement and solving the issue,” saying that we were not so close to it during the occupation. At that time, we could not even agree on the basic principles.
Reminding that no agreement was reached even on the “Madrid Principles” at that time, the head of state informed the participants that there was not even a draft of the peace agreement at that time. And now it already exists. There is no obstacle to agreeing a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Of course, Azerbaijan, which is committed to peace policy, initiated the peace process. Today’s realities suggest that there is a possibility of achieving serious progress in the process of peace negotiations in Azerbaijan.
Many issues were discussed at the forum, the successes of the last 9 months, the fact that the environmental problem is on the agenda of our country, Azerbaijan-Germany relations, China-Azerbaijan relations, etc. issues were touched upon and clarified. The strong political will demonstrated by the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and the support of the countries that are members of the Eastern European Group to Azerbaijan’s candidacy to host the COP29 are of great importance. Holding SOP29 in our country is the logic of the peace process.

Rafig Mammadov, Honored teacher, Geography teacher of secondary school number 135

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