In the framework of the “Year of solidarity for the sake of a green world” at the Central Library named after M. Sh.

Gulzar Ibrahimova, a poet, writer-publicist, member of AYB and AJB, Presidential scholarship holder, Honorary reader of the Central Library named after M. Sh. Vazeh, presented the fairy tale “The Secret of the Sea Princess Mehin” to the “Those who are fascinated by nature” project. . In the fairy tale, the writer raises one of the problems that damage ecology and nature in the modern era, and directs children’s attention to that problem. It is brought to the attention of young readers that our Green Planet is beautiful, people should always protect it so that it can give people beauty and health. In the fairy tale, the sea princess Mehin shows the horrors happening in the sea kingdom to man and asks him for help. He explains to people that thousands of fish in the sea are destroyed by cellophane bags thrown into the water. Man does everything he can so that the creatures living in the water are not destroyed.

Children can read the fairy tale at the following link:

Y. Mammadli

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