There will be a geomagnetic storm for two more days
The geomagnetic storm will last until September 27. This was reported to APA by the Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory named after Nasreddin Tusi. It was reported
The geomagnetic storm will last until September 27. This was reported to APA by the Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory named after Nasreddin Tusi. It was reported
The text of the draft law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the management of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere” has been posted on
Public hearing on the removal of dead and damaged trees from the territory of the administrative building of the Ministry of Health, Saray Modular Tuberculosis
“İlk növbədə ətraf mühitin mühafizəsi” QHT Koalisiyasının həmtəsisçisi Pərvanə Vəliyeva BMT Baş Assambleyanın 78-ci sessiyası çərçivəsində keçirilən “Universal Tibbi Təminat”, “Pandemiyaya Hazırlıq və Cavab tədbirləri”
Fishermen encountered a very scary sight on the coast of California, USA – the corpse of a dead killer whale exploded. Local residents shared a
Sevil Yuzbasheva, Chairman of “Eko-Alam” Public Union: “Okhchuchay has been excessively polluted and poisoned, the destruction of our precious forests that have been under occupation,