An event dedicated to the BRICS International Forum took place in Moscow
On March 25, the Alliance of Peoples of the World and the Committee against Corruption in the Moscow House of Nationalities took part in the
On March 25, the Alliance of Peoples of the World and the Committee against Corruption in the Moscow House of Nationalities took part in the
These days, the veteran organization “Union of Heirs of the Great Victory named after Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Guard Major General Hazi Aslanov”
Prezident İlham Əliyev: “Bizim dostluğumuz, qardaşlığımız dərin tarixi köklərə əsaslanır” Azərbaycanla Gürcüstan arasında müxtəlif sahələrdə dostluq münasibətləri və qarşılıqlı faydalı əməkdaşlıq daimi olaraq inkişaf etməkdədir.
Azerbaijan is trying to improve the divided world through the Global Baku Forum Armenia illegally occupied our lands in violation of international law. Our country
Kazakhstan-Azerbaijani relations are currently at the highest level Today, a new stage has emerged in the relations between Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. This is considered a
President Ilham Aliyev: “New legislative initiatives are necessary for the formation and strengthening of the political system” MPs in the parliament also contribute to the