Equipment was provided to citizens to support guest houses in Khinalig
In Khinalig village of Guba region, 16 entrepreneurs who created a guest house and provided services to tourists were presented with a water heater, stove
In Khinalig village of Guba region, 16 entrepreneurs who created a guest house and provided services to tourists were presented with a water heater, stove
Bu ilin yanvar-avqust aylarında Azərbaycana 183 ölkədən 1 343,7 min nəfər və yaxud ötən ilin eyni dövrü ilə müqayisədə 33,8 % çox əcnəbi və vətəndaşlığı
Bu ilin yanvar-avqust aylarında Azərbaycandan xarici ölkələrə gedən vətəndaşlarımızın ümumi sayı ötən ilin eyni dövrü ilə müqayisədə 23 % artaraq 1 209 min nəfər olub.
Under the State Tourism Agency, the Azerbaijan Tourism Bureau (ATB) held a series of promotional events in Kazakhstan’s Almaty and Astana, Russia’s Yekaterinburg, Moscow and
Azerbaijan will participate in the tourism exhibition to be held in Barcelona, Spain on November 28-30. “Report” informs that the State Tourism Agency has started
On September 8, ATAA chairman had a meeting with Muhittin Majid, culture, tourism and publicity advisor of the Turkish Embassy in Azerbaijan, as well as