The average price in Azerbaijan hotels for December has increased by almost 25%

This year, the average price for a one-night stay through, an online booking system for all star classification hotels in Azerbaijan, was AZN 154.3. This is 24.2% more than last year. In December alone, the average price for a one-night stay in the country’s hotels on was 149.7 manats, which is 24.7% more […]
Xaricə səfər edən Azərbaycan vətəndaşlarının sayı 18%-ə yaxın artıb

2024-cü ilin yanvar-oktyabr ayları ərzində xarici ölkələrə gedən Azərbaycan Respublikası vətəndaşlarının ümumi sayı ötən ilin müvafiq dövrü ilə müqayisədə 17,6 faiz artaraq 1 milyon 816,4 min nəfər olub. Bu barədə “” Dövlət Statistika Komitəsinə istinadən xəbər verilir. Məlumata görə, İrana gedən Azərbaycan Respublikası vətəndaşlarının sayı 35,6 faiz, Rusiya Federasiyasına gedənlərin sayı 14,1 faiz, Gürcüstana gedənlərin sayı 13,4 […]
Our culture was promoted at the event held in Balashikha, Russia

On November 4, 2023, in the town of Balashikha near Moscow, the annual 6th festival of national cultures, dedicated to National Unity Day, was held at the Balashikha Palace of Culture. For the 6th year in a row, under the leadership of the Chairman of the Azerbaijan National-Cultural Autonomy, Mr. Balashikha Amilya Agayeva Azerbaijani culture […]
Mikayil Jabbarov: “Development of tourism and increasing economic efficiency is a priority direction”

The development of the tourism sector in Azerbaijan and increasing its economic efficiency are among the priority directions. “Report” reports that Economy Minister Mikayil Jabbarov said this in his account on the “X” social network. “On the occasion of the Day of Tourism Workers, we congratulate the representatives of this field and wish them success […]
Azerbaijan will participate in the tourism exhibition to be held in Japan

Azerbaijan will participate in the international tourism exhibition (“Tourism Expo Japan”) to be held in Osaka, Japan on October 26-29. Report informs that the State Tourism Agency will represent our country at the exhibition. Preparations for this have already started. It should be noted that “Tourism Expo Japan” has been held since 2014. The organizers […]
AZAL and tourism agencies discussed the development of aviation and tourism sectors

Today Azerbaijan Airlines CJSC (AZAL) held a meeting with representatives of the country’s tourism agencies and discussed the prospects of cooperation in the aviation and tourism sectors. “Report” informs with reference to AZAL. Let us remind you that on September 29, the Day of Tourism Workers is celebrated in Azerbaijan. At the meeting, the […]
A Working Group on Tourism is being established between Azerbaijan and Israel

A meeting of tourism sector officials of Azerbaijan and Israel will be held in Baku on November 19-23. According to the information obtained by “Report”, the purpose of the meeting is to organize a Working Group on Tourism between the two countries. The State Tourism Agency has already started preparations in this regard. Within the […]
20 houses are being renovated in Khinalig

This year, 20 houses are being repaired in Khinalig village of Guba region. Report informs that this was stated by Elshan Agalarov, head of the construction sector of the Reserves Management Center of the State Tourism Agency. “If the weather conditions allow, the repair and restoration of all these houses will be completed. Otherwise, 17 […]
Equipment was provided to citizens to support guest houses in Khinalig

In Khinalig village of Guba region, 16 entrepreneurs who created a guest house and provided services to tourists were presented with a water heater, stove and gas stove. “Report” informs that this took place within the framework of the project “Support for the Development of Sustainable Tourism in the Regions of Azerbaijan” jointly implemented by […]
Azərbaycana turist axını 34% artıb

Bu ilin yanvar-avqust aylarında Azərbaycana 183 ölkədən 1 343,7 min nəfər və yaxud ötən ilin eyni dövrü ilə müqayisədə 33,8 % çox əcnəbi və vətəndaşlığı olmayan şəxs gəlib. “Report” bu barədə Dövlət Statistika Komitəsinə istinadən xəbər verir. Məlumata görə, gələnlərin 31,7 %-i Rusiya, 17,7 %-i Türkiyə, 7,5 %-i İran, 4,9 %-i Hindistan, 4,7 %-i Gürcüstan, […]