Azərbaycandan turist axını 23 % artıb

Bu ilin yanvar-avqust aylarında Azərbaycandan xarici ölkələrə gedən vətəndaşlarımızın ümumi sayı ötən ilin eyni dövrü ilə müqayisədə 23 % artaraq 1 209 min nəfər olub. “Report” bu barədə Dövlət Statistika Komitəsinə istinadən xəbər verir. Məlumata görə, ölkə vətəndaşlarının 44,3 %-i Türkiyəyə, 21,3 %-i Rusiyaya, 9,1 %-i Gürcüstana, 7,4 %-i İrana, 17,9 %-i digər ölkələrə səfər […]
Azerbaijan’s winter tourism opportunities were promoted in Kazakhstan and Russia

Under the State Tourism Agency, the Azerbaijan Tourism Bureau (ATB) held a series of promotional events in Kazakhstan’s Almaty and Astana, Russia’s Yekaterinburg, Moscow and St. Petersburg. “Report” informs about this with reference to the Agency. According to information, the purpose of organizing the events is to inform the representatives of tourism companies operating in […]
Azerbaijan will participate in the tourism exhibition to be held in Barcelona

Azerbaijan will participate in the tourism exhibition to be held in Barcelona, Spain on November 28-30. “Report” informs that the State Tourism Agency has started preparations in this regard. It should be noted that this year the tourism exhibition is expected to bring together one thousand exhibitors and more than 15 thousand guests. It will […]
Cooperation relations with tourism organizations of Turkey and Switzerland were discussed

On September 8, ATAA chairman had a meeting with Muhittin Majid, culture, tourism and publicity advisor of the Turkish Embassy in Azerbaijan, as well as Serdar Keskin, representative of Turkey Tourism Promotion and Development Agency for Azerbaijan and Georgia, and Aynur Allazova, representative for Azerbaijan. According to the news from the Association of Azerbaijan Tourism […]
Azerbaijan participates in the meeting of the International Council of Monuments and Historic Sites

Azerbaijan is participating in the Triennial General Assembly of the International Council of Monuments and Historic Sites (ICOMOS) in Sydney, Australia. The State Tourism Agency reported on this. According to information, for the first time the National Committee of “ICOMOS Azerbaijan” is also the General Assembly of the organization. The event, which brings together more […]
Istanbul has broken the record of the last 10 years for the number of tourists

The Turkish city of Istanbul broke the record of the last 10 years in terms of the number of tourists visiting this city in July. “Anadolu” agency reports that the number of foreign tourists who visited this city last month was 1 million. There were 873 thousand 97 people. Russians (185 thousand), Germans, Arabs (Saudi […]
The restoration of flights between the capitals of Azerbaijan and China was discussed – PHOTO

At the meeting between the President of Azerbaijan Airlines (AZAL) CJSC Jahangir Asgarov and China’s Ambassador to Azerbaijan Guo Min, the prospects of cooperation in the field of aviation and the development of tourism were discussed. opinions were exchanged on the issue of restoration. These steps indicate the desire of both sides to expand cooperation, […]
A cruise ship will be put into service on the Caspian until the next tourism season

The “Pyotr Velikiy” cruise ship, which will sail in the Caspian Sea, is planned to be commissioned by the next tourism season. According to the Russian media, the governor of the Astrakhan region of Russia, Igor Babushkin, said this. According to him, the tests of the ship are currently underway. , partners from Turkmenistan and […]
The Russian airline is increasing the number of flights on the Krasnoyarsk-Baku route

From August 31, the Russian airline “IrAero” will double the number of flights on the Krasnoyarsk-Baku route. “Report” informs about this with reference to Krasnoyarsk International Airport. According to information, flights will be carried out twice a week. So, the plane will take off from Krasnoyarsk on Thursday at 20:20 and on Sunday at 18:00 […]
Bakı hotellərinin populyarlığı Rusiyada iki dəfə artıb

Bakı hotellərinin populyarlığı Rusiyada iki dəfə artıb. “Report” xəbər verir ki, bu barədə Rusiyanın “OneTwoTrip” səyahət planlaşdırma xidməti məlumat yayıb. Xidmətin ekspertləri 2023-cü ilin iyun-avqust ayları arasında hotel sifarişlərini təhlil edərək, 2022-ci ilin eyni dövrü ilə müqayisə ediblər. Qeyd edilir ki, ölkə turistləri arasında Bakı, Pattaya (Tailand), Porto (Portuqaliya), Riminidəki (İtaliya) hotellərin populyarlığı iki dəfə […]