Sayt Azərbaycan Respublikasının Qeyri-Hökumət Təşkilatlarına Dövlət Dəstəyi Agentliyinin maliyyə yardımı ilə hazırlanmışdır

Qloballaşan Dünyaya İnteqrasiya İctimai Birliyi
"Bakı və rayonlarda Xəzər sahillərinin və digər su hövzələrinin monitorinqi" layihəsi. 2022

86-year-old hardworking grandmother Aina

Farajova Aina Firudin kyzy was born on January 15, 1938 in the village of Shykhlar, Masalli region, Azerbaijan SSR. She graduated from the 8-year (general secondary) school of the village of Shykhlar, and then the secondary school of the village of Kizilagaj. She started a family with Farajov Fayaz Kasym ogly (a participant in the Great Patriotic War). In 1969, she was elected as a deputy from the Yeddioymagsky village council of electoral district No. 22. On May 13, 1974, she was elected a member of the Masalli district committee of the Communist Party of the Azerbaijan SSR. Aina Farajova was a member of the party until 1988. On April 23, 1980, she was awarded a Certificate of Honor for exemplary services in her work by the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijan SSR. She was also awarded wristwatches and other valuable gifts at “Production” celebrations held in the region, and in 1985 she was awarded the “Veteran of Labor” medal. Grandma Aina is currently retired. Happy birthday, Grandma! We wish grandma long life and good health.

Sincerely: Deputy Chairman of the Murmansk Regional Public Organization “Cultural Center Azerbaijan” – Fayazov Mehdi Afigovich

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Azərbaycan Respublikasının Qeyri-Hökumət Təşkilatlarına
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