Sayt Azərbaycan Respublikasının Qeyri-Hökumət Təşkilatlarına Dövlət Dəstəyi Agentliyinin maliyyə yardımı ilə hazırlanmışdır

Qloballaşan Dünyaya İnteqrasiya İctimai Birliyi
"Bakı və rayonlarda Xəzər sahillərinin və digər su hövzələrinin monitorinqi" layihəsi. 2022

Book about Heydar Aliyev in Albania

A book was published in Albania on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev. Entela Mucho, the author of the book “Life, Activities and Thoughts of Heydar Aliyev” published in Albanian, is the chairman of the Albanian-Azerbaijani Culture and Friendship Association.

The book dedicated to Heydar Aliyev, the architect and founder of the modern Azerbaijan state, was prepared on the basis of historical facts. It introduces the Albanian readers to the historical struggle of the Azerbaijani people, the role and activity of the historical personality in preserving the independence gained at the end of the last century. The book, which is a contribution to the legacy of Heydar Aliyev, is a new step in the promotion of Azerbaijan in the international world and abroad.

In the preparation of the book, whose publication was supported by Anar Huseynov, the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to the Republic of Albania, Irada Mammadova, head of the Department of Demography of the Institute of History of ANAS, Elmira Mammadova-Kekech, head of the department of Baku Eurasian University, professor Saadat Shikhiyeva, associate professor of Khazar University, Aynur Gazanfargizi, researcher-scientist Fariz Khalil, Brother Ali Arslan, Ömer Turan and Mustafa Balci, well-known historians and linguists of Turkey, were closely involved.

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Azərbaycan Respublikasının Qeyri-Hökumət Təşkilatlarına
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