Another page is being written in the history of Azerbaijan-Belarus relations

Another page is being written in the history of Azerbaijan-Belarus relations. This was confirmed by the official visit of the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, to our country and many important documents signed during the visit.

The state visit of the President of Belarus to Azerbaijan on May 16 of this year will be a strong impetus for the transition of relations between our countries to a qualitatively new, higher stage. Relations between Belarus and Azerbaijan cover a wide spectrum. This includes areas of strategic importance such as mutual support in the security, economic, political and international arenas. The next state visit of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko to Azerbaijan on May 16 will lead to further expansion and deepening of existing relations. Mr. President Ilham Aliyev, in his speech to the press, specially emphasized that in the not too distant future, new perspectives of Belarus-Azerbaijani relations will appear, new enterprises and workplaces will be opened, and new directions of cooperation will be determined. The head of state said that he invited Belarusian companies to take an active part in the restoration of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur regions and noted that the scope of work to be carried out in this direction is very wide.

Relations between the states of Azerbaijan and Belarus have deep historical roots, and both countries entered a new stage of development after declaring their independence. Bilateral relations between the two states have risen to the level of strategic partnership. Sincere friendly relations, high-level dialogue and mutual understanding between the heads of our states play an important role in the formation and development of these relations. In this regard, the official visit of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko to our country is of great importance in terms of the deepening of bilateral relations.Relationships based on trust between the leaders of our countries give impetus to all other civil servants to communicate, work, make friends, work for the well-being of their countries and the strengthening of friendly relations between our countries.

A joint intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation between Azerbaijan and Belarus was established for the dynamic development of bilateral relations and for the effective implementation of contracts, agreements and other documents concluded between the countries. Belarus has always fully supported the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and there is close cooperation between our countries in the military field.

The application of Belarus’ rich urban development experience, modern technologies, and the experience of construction of agro-towns in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan can be very effective. “Besides, during the meetings held by the heads of state either one-on-one or in a large group, the issues of development of relations in the military-industrial complex, agriculture, transport and, in general, many issues of practical importance for the development of the economy of our countries were widely discussed. The agreements reached and the documents signed give full reason to say that Azerbaijan-Belarus relations will develop with even higher dynamics from now on.

Belarus is one of those friendly states that has always recognized the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and has always supported the just and fair work of our country at the political level. In general, Azerbaijan and Belarus are not only friends, but also important strategic partners. Sincere friendly relations, high-level dialogue and mutual understanding between the heads of state play an important role in the formation and development of these relations. The observed friendly relations and the meetings held today contribute to the provision of peace and sustainable development in the South Caucasus, as well as the successful continuation of great works for the welfare of the peoples of both countries. Against the background of current geopolitical turmoil, Belarus pays great attention to cooperation and alliance with Azerbaijan.

In addition to all this, the role of intergovernmental and humanitarian commissions in deepening our relations should be especially noted. The dynamics of development of relations based on mutual trust and friendship between our countries continues. Our relations are in line with national interests. We believe that our relations will continue to develop and deepen. It should be noted that 9 documents were signed during the state visit of Alexander Lukashenko, the President of the Republic of Belarus. Undoubtedly, the signed important documents will give a strong impetus to the development of bilateral relations.

Fuad Huseynzade

Chairman of the Public Union of Support of Journalists to Diaspora Activity

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