Azərbaycan və Bolqarıstan dövlətlərı arasında çoxşaxəli əməkdaşlıq

Independent Azerbaijan has taken its place in the system of international relations and established relations with the states that take a leading place in the formation of world politics on the basis of mutual trust. The foreign policy concept of Azerbaijan, which was founded by National Leader Heydar Aliyev, is successfully continued today by President Ilham Aliyev. As a result of the visionary policy of the head of state, Azerbaijan’s integration into the world community is accelerating, relations based on mutual trust are developing dynamically. Azerbaijan as a whole, which has made great progress and won victory, has become a country with respect and prestige all over the world. Regulating relations with the leading countries of the East and West and establishing mutual relations with the principle of cooperation is one of the main priorities of our state’s foreign policy. The policy of the President of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev, which has brought achievements to Azerbaijan, is met with great interest in the countries of the world. The fact that our state acts as the main participant in international and regional projects indicates that these relations are at a high level. Today, Azerbaijan’s relations with many countries of the world, as well as with Bulgaria, are on the path of successful development. As the leading country of the South Caucasus, Bulgaria, which attaches importance to the development of relations with Azerbaijan, is interested in maintaining bilateral relations at a high level. Both countries are connected by traditional friendship, understanding and mutual trust. Cooperation relations between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria, which have ensured their territorial integrity and sovereignty, are expanding and developing. Cooperation between the two countries in economic, trade and investment fields is continuously implemented. The work done to increase multifaceted cooperation is bearing fruit.

          The official visit of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev to our country on May 8 is an indication of the continuity of mutual relations. The presence of interstate political dialogue at a high level creates a good basis for ensuring the economic prosperity of not only Azerbaijan and Bulgaria, but also the Caucasus and the Black Sea basin. Within the framework of the visit, the discussion of bilateral relations, the current situation, and the upcoming challenges is of course aimed at further deepening of relations. The ceremony of signing Azerbaijan-Bulgaria documents with the participation of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev, as well as the signing of the “Joint Declaration on strengthening the strategic partnership between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Bulgaria” by the presidents of both states, opens new opportunities for future cooperation.< /p>

          Mutual visits of the heads of state during the past period since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries play an important role in deepening these relations. Within the framework of the visits, a joint Declaration between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria, a joint Declaration on the establishment of a sister city representation between Sheki and Galerovo, an agreement in the field of interstate health and medical science, etc. was signed. In 2015, the Joint Declaration on strategic partnership between Bulgaria and Azerbaijan led to the rise of inter-country relations to a higher level.

          Cooperation between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria helps to further strengthen the friendly and brotherly relations between the two countries and increase their positions in the region. There is potential for creating a transport corridor between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria. Azerbaijan has become an important, decisive partner in the field of energy for Bulgaria and plays an important role in the diversification of gas supply.

By developing its leadership role in the region, Azerbaijan is the initiator of successful projects in the field of green energy and environmental protection. It is known that the Memorandum on strategic partnership in the field of energy was signed between the European Union and Azerbaijan. The new and versatile gas transport infrastructure has made it possible to supply natural gas to many countries. As President Ilham Aliyev said in his statement to the press, “the export of Azerbaijani gas to Bulgaria is increasing every year.” Last year, 1 billion 250 million cubic meters of Azerbaijani gas was transported to the Bulgarian market. In 2022, this figure was only 600 million. A strategic project, the Greece-Bulgaria Gas Interconnector is a very important project for both Bulgaria and Eastern Europe. This interconnector allows Bulgaria to buy natural gas from Azerbaijan for the first time. This project, which will change the energy map of Europe, has created new opportunities to develop economic cooperation not only between the two countries, but in the entire region.

          Azerbaijan becoming an important, decisive partner in the field of energy for Bulgaria and playing an important role in the diversification of gas supply is also of special importance in inter-generational relations in our modern era. As Mr. President mentioned in his speech, Azerbaijan is actively working with partner countries, including Bulgaria, in the direction of the green energy cable. Emphasizing that the feasibility study, which will be ready in a few months, will be a good basis for the start of work, the head of state said that Azerbaijan will show itself not only as a supplier of oil and gas for the European space, but also as a supplier of green energy: “The potential is quite wide and we will also talk about it at the COP29 conference at the end of the year”. The development of green energy and the access of green energy to world markets are among the priorities of Azerbaijan’s energy policy.

          The transportation of larger volumes of cargo in the East-West and opposite direction plays an important role in strengthening the relations between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria. The President noted that the modernization of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway was completed a few days ago thanks to Azerbaijan’s investment. As the head of our state pointed out that the capacity of this railway has been increased several times, this project, which was put forward as an initiative by Azerbaijan, will play an important role today as an important segment of the Middle Corridor with expanded capabilities. Both East-West and vice-versa transportation of larger volumes of cargo will encourage further strengthening of relations. Of course, within the framework of the visit, the strengthening of interstate exchange in various fields was taken into account. All these or other issues will open new perspectives for further deepening of interstate relations.

          As a reliable and tested partner, Azerbaijan attaches importance to the further development of effective relations with Bulgaria in all areas.

          Elkhan Guliyev, Honored teacher

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