The restoration of flights between the capitals of Azerbaijan and China was discussed – PHOTO

At the meeting between the President of Azerbaijan Airlines (AZAL) CJSC Jahangir Asgarov and China’s Ambassador to Azerbaijan Guo Min, the prospects of cooperation in the field of aviation and the development of tourism were discussed. opinions were exchanged on the issue of restoration. These steps indicate the desire of both sides to expand cooperation, which will strengthen business relations, cultural exchange and the development of tourism between the two countries. In addition, the parties discussed the prospect of opening direct flights between Baku and the capital of China’s Sichuan province. With its rich architecture and historical monuments, Chengdu is of great interest to tourists and travelers. It should be noted that within the framework of the business trip of the delegation led by the head of the Baku City Executive Authority Eldar Azizov to the Sichuan province at the invitation of the PRC administration, the governor of the Sichuan province, Xuan Qian, opened the Chengdu-Baku airport on the Chinese side. expressed his interest in opening it. According to the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the parties, friendly and partnership relations have been established between Baku and Sichuan province. At the end of the meeting, the president of “AZAL” Jahangir Asgarov and the Chinese ambassador to Azerbaijan, Guo Min, said that such initiatives will strengthen mutual relations between the two countries, including new perspectives for the development of tourism and business. they said that they are sure that it is aimed at opening.

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