Azerbaijan participates in the meeting of the International Council of Monuments and Historic Sites

Azerbaijan is participating in the Triennial General Assembly of the International Council of Monuments and Historic Sites (ICOMOS) in Sydney, Australia. The State Tourism Agency reported on this. According to information, for the first time the National Committee of “ICOMOS Azerbaijan” is also the General Assembly of the organization. The event, which brings together more than 1,500 members of the organization and official guests, is attended by Sadagat Davudova, the president of “ICOMOS Azerbaijan” and Sheyda Allahverdiya, the general secretary. At the meeting of the General Assembly, “Cultural heritage: Continuity-Responsibility-Rights-Relations” A Scientific Symposium is held. In the Assembly, which will last until September 9, lectures and seminars on the protection and management of cultural heritage will be organized. The participants of the meeting will get acquainted with places included in the UNESCO World Heritage list in Australia. Let’s note that ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Historic Sites) is the largest international organization in the world for the protection of material and cultural heritage. ICOMOS, which has more than 10,000 members and national committees in 104 countries, is also one of the three official advisory bodies of UNESCO. The “ICOMOS Azerbaijan” National Committee, which was established on the initiative of the State Tourism Agency of Azerbaijan, began active activity last year. It should be noted that at the annual meeting held in the Kingdom of Thailand on October 25-31 last year, the “ICOMOS Azerbaijan” National Committee was elected one of the two co-chairs of the General Assembly of the organization.

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