It is important to meet ecotourism standards in liberated areas

For the development of ecotourism in Karabakh, mines must be cleared and bioresources must be protected. In this regard, relevant institutions and public associations can implement educational and initiative projects directly with local communities.
Realizing the potential of ecotourism in Azerbaijan, especially in our territories freed from occupation, plays an important role in terms of the economic reintegration of those territories. In this regard, it would be appropriate to clarify a few nuances.

What is ecotourism?
Ecological tourism or ecotourism is considered to be a type of tourism that encourages caring for the environment and at the same time instills enjoyment of nature. Ecotourism has been identified as an independent tourism destination by the World Tourism Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations. Ecotourism is purposefully visiting natural areas to be more interested in the state of the environment and local nature, to be in direct contact with nature for the purpose of deeper study and understanding of problems and trends in this area. During such trips, the integrity of the ecosystem should be protected, flora and fauna, and natural resources should be treated with care. In addition, ecosystem protection should also be done in a way that benefits the local population. If the ecotourism standards are followed correctly, it creates a fertile ground for both the protection and flourishing of nature, the natural growth of flora and fauna, and the cleaner nature. Ecotourism ensures the interaction of tourist activities with the local population, in addition to nature. Compared to other types of tourism, ecotourism is carried out in natural areas with less anthropological impact. Ecotourism should not allow or create conditions for environmental degradation and deterioration of its quality, depletion of plant, water resources and animal species. Therefore, to achieve all these, it is important to strictly adhere to ecotourism standards. This work must be done with confidence and skill. Another goal of ecotourism is to create conditions for local people to enjoy nature. It is a friendly and friendly trip to nature, and the purpose of the trip is to get to know the local nature and traditions, and at the same time enjoy it. In particular, the ecotourism potential of our freed areas promises a lot to ecotourists and the local population in this regard.

Ecotourism potential of liberated areas

Protection of the environment in our liberated territories, compliance with ecotourism standards and proper use of the region’s potential in this regard are important factors in economic reintegration. The mass return of the population to our liberated territories, the creation of settlements and modern infrastructure there has returned Karabakh to our society. However, the mass settlement of these areas, at the same time, the growing international interest in Karabakh, and the desire of foreign tourists to travel make the setting of tourism, especially ecotourism standards in the region urgent. In those areas, in particular, keeping and protecting water basins clean and preventing the depletion of biodiversity in the waters is one of the constitutional duties of every member of society. Recently, this issue has become more relevant. It is the duty of each of us to assist in the clean maintenance and protection of water basins in Azerbaijan, the protection of biodiversity in waters, the restoration of control over water resources in Karabakh, the maintenance of the beauty of nature and the cleanliness of the environment, and the increase of the attractiveness of the country in terms of tourism, especially ecotourism. According to expert Aliheydar Mammadov, whose opinion we learned about this, the protection of water resources in the liberated areas plays an important role in preserving and increasing the ecotourism opportunities of the area: “Currently, great work is being done in tourism, as well as ecotourism, in our country. But unfortunately, we lag behind many countries in this field. This is especially the case in the field of ecotourism. Anyway, this is mostly due to road closures. Tourists come to Georgia cheaply because the land routes are closed, and many of Georgia’s state reserves allow them into their territory. Arriving ecotourists have the opportunity to relax in the national parks of Georgia and in places with many natural landscapes and landscapes. According to the expert, one of the most important things related to ecotourism is tent camping. Tent camps are set up all over the world in national parks, on the edge of the waterfall, on the edge of the forest, on the edge of the river. In these tent camps, ecotourists can relax according to their budget. For example, he likes to listen to the sound of the waterfall, the wind, look at the clouds, the sky, biodiversity, and go up and down the mountain for a few kilometers along the footpath. According to the expert, the possibilities of building tents for ecotourists should be increased. This work can also be realized after the elimination of the danger of mines in our liberated areas. In addition, as mentioned, the protection of nature and water bodies in those areas is also important. It should work together with relevant institutions, public associations and local population. The expert thinks that the water basin that should be protected the most in the liberated areas is the Tartar river flowing from Araz and Kalbajar. The environment and nature of the Tartar River is very unique, its water is minerally different from the water of other rivers, and the remains of the natural excavations brought by it are also different. Extensive measures should be taken to protect the Tartar River. At the moment, the alarm bell is being sounded all over the world due to water scarcity, and we join it.”

What measures can be taken?

The correct use of those water resources, as well as the protection of their bioresources, implementation of the strictest measures against poaching cases is the need of the day. This work should be carried out together with the education of the population in terms of nature and legal responsibility. If necessary, social advertisements can be prepared and distributed on social and internet media. Relevant institutions and public associations can carry out educational and initiative actions and projects directly with local communities.

The article was prepared within the framework of the “Ecotourism standards in liberated areas” project implemented by the Public Union of Integration to the Globalized World with the financial support of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The position of the author or the interviewee and the position of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations may not be consistent.


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