Expert Jafar Gara: “Creation of modern landfills for waste in nearby areas, disposal of production and domestic waste is one of the important issues”
Protection of the environment in our liberated territories, compliance with ecotourism standards and proper use of the region’s potential in this regard are important factors in economic reintegration. The massive return of the population to our liberated territories, the creation of settlements and modern infrastructure there has returned Karabakh to our society. However, the mass settlement of these areas, at the same time, the growing international interest in Karabakh, and the desire of foreign tourists to travel make the setting of tourism, especially ecotourism standards, urgent in the region.
Keeping the ecotourism areas clean and not polluting with waste is very important in that region.
Mövzu ilə bağlı ekspertlərin fikir və təklifləri cəmiyyətimiz üçün maraq kəsb edir.
This time, our interviewer on the subject is Jafar Gara, an expert on tourism. According to the expert, the ecotourism potential cannot be fully realized as the liberated territories have not yet been completely cleared of mines: “Mine danger, mined areas also mean pollution of ecotouristic areas, soil pollution. We cannot visit those areas and enjoy their beauty and ecotourism opportunities. At the same time, it is not possible to plant mine-hazardous areas, and it is also impossible to build infrastructure there. This is the first obstacle in the realization of ecotourism potential. Another issue is the pollution caused by the travel of local tourists and the population to ecotourism places. In those days, I saw that the area around the spring on the Shusha-Khankendi road was polluted. People have collected waste there. This is, of course, unacceptable. Because the lands bought with blood cannot be polluted with waste. It is known that not every person or the owner of a tourist facility can put a trash can, signs, and informative boards there. If it was Baku or any other region, it would be possible to raise this issue before the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources and solve the problem more easily. Our liberated areas are large, not everyone can enter and leave there. We know that access requires permission through the portal. Probably, this issue will be resolved gradually. Its fauna, flora, ecotourism potential, underground and surface resources should be taken into consideration within the framework of holding COP29 in Azerbaijan. In addition, it is worth paying attention to these issues within the framework of the “Year of Solidarity for the Green World”. In general, the protection of the ecological sphere of the country, including the liberated territories, and the ecotourism potential should not be a campaign, in this matter every member of our society must always fulfill his responsibility and show his loyalty to his constitutional duties.
What other things need to be done to realize our ecotourism potential and set ecotourism standards in our liberated areas? The expert highlighted a number of issues in this regard: “First of all, let me note that the area of existing national parks should be expanded and their protection should be strengthened. In addition, it is reasonable to create new ecological reserves and national parks following the demining of areas. Also, the use of solar panels and HPP energy, as well as electric cars, should be expanded there. One of the important issues is the creation of modern landfills for waste in nearby areas, disposal of production and household waste. Later, “Clean Karabakh”, “Ecotourism Karabakh”, etc., were organized by relevant institutions and public associations, as well as ecotourism organizations. it is possible to implement projects. It is also necessary to implement the reuse of demined areas. It is necessary to effectively use the potential of mineral springs and waters. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly strengthen the tourism infrastructure in those areas. The creation of modern sanatoriums and SPAs is also of this kind. It is necessary to effectively use the lakes and rivers given to us by nature in raising fish and natural growth of fauna. Strict rules and prohibitions should be applied in hunting and fishing. At the same time, in parallel with this, tourists, amateur hunters and fishermen, and local communities should be regularly educated and informed in this area by various means. Implementation of “Green Village” and “Smart Village” projects, preparation of effective and sustainable ecotourism routes, and installation of educational road signs would also be appropriate. In addition to what I have mentioned, it would be great to install waste receptacles in places of mass gathering, and to create hotels and cottages that protect and support the environment more.”
According to the expert, on the eve of COP29, it is possible to carry out more greening works, to build forests and parks, to clean rivers and lakes, to plant from rainwater and to build reservoirs for other purposes.
This article is the property of Azerbaijan Republic – It was developed within the framework of the project (the name of the project can be mentioned) implemented with the financial assistance of the Agency for State Support to Government Organizations. The opinions and considerations reflected in this article belong to the author and may not reflect the official position of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan.