Forest areas should also be increased in liberated areas

NGO chairman Kahraman Yusupov: “Any violation of rules related to ecotourism and nature in liberated areas should be accompanied by fines. Fines can be implemented not only with material, but also with moral effects.

Protection of the environment in our liberated territories, compliance with ecotourism standards and proper use of the region’s potential in this regard are important factors in economic reintegration. The massive return of the population to our liberated territories, the creation of settlements and modern infrastructure there has returned Karabakh to our society. However, the mass settlement of these areas, at the same time, the growing international interest in Karabakh, and the desire to travel by foreign tourists make the establishment of tourism, especially ecotourism standards in the region urgent. The opinions and suggestions of experts and scientists on the subject are of interest to our society.

Our interviewee is Kahraman Yusupov, the chairman of the Public Association for the Development of Rural Green Tourism.

– Protecting the environment, including water bodies and their bioresources, as well as other natural resources in our liberated territories, is also important in terms of compliance with the principles of “green growth” in our country. In this context, how do you evaluate the measures implemented in our country, including the liberated areas?

– Currently, the measures implemented by the relevant institutions of Azerbaijan and the state in general to protect the environment are commendable. Since 2000, a lot of work has been done, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources was established, and the “National Program for the restoration and increase of forests” was adopted. According to this program, greening works are successfully carried out in different areas of our country: former forest areas are restored, new green areas are planted. As an example, we can list the works done on the Absheron peninsula. On the peninsula, trees are intensively planted around Lake Zigh and especially in the areas of former oil fields. In addition, the law “On Specially Protected Areas” was adopted, and 10 National Parks were created. As for it, it is planned to create new national parks in the territories freed from occupation. Cleaning these areas from mines buried by the Armenian invaders actually means protecting the environment and greenery.

The local population settled in Lachin and Kalbajar regions or will move here will live in the heart of greenery. They spend their free time in nature, fishing in local water bodies, etc. they are doing work.

One of the implemented measures is the creation of Hydroelectric Power Stations instead of Thermal Power Stations, the construction of solar electric panels. All this is a great contribution to environmental protection. Not only in the liberated lands, but also in the lowland areas, there are areas unsuitable for agriculture, where it is possible to build solar panels. Construction of such panels has already started in Bilasuvar region. The electricity obtained in this region will be able to supply several regions. This means that as additional production facilities are opened, the electricity demand of these facilities will be fully met. By the way, forest areas should be increased in liberated areas. Only 13% of the country’s territory is forested.

Waste is also a concern. In general, city, town, and village municipalities have a duty, which is to protect cleanliness in the areas they are responsible for, to control and assist in timely collection and transportation of waste. However, these requirements are not observed in every settlement. This problem is always on the agenda, especially in remote areas.

– It is profitable from the economic point of view to take advantage of the potential of ecotourism by following the principles of “green growth” and thereby contribute to the effective reintegration of those areas. It is also reported that the touristic potential of that region is high. From this point of view, what steps should be taken to develop ecotourism in those areas?

– Ecological tourism is a type of tourism carried out in the heart of nature, which is not only recreation, but also information about the flora and fauna of the surrounding areas. is to do. The group leader should be knowledgeable about every point of nature in the area where the tour route passes and should be able to convey it to tourists. Cleaning the surrounding areas from garbage or planting new crops can also be done during ecological tours. Visits to the bosom of nature completely change people’s position and attitude towards nature. The more widely people know about the plant world, the more they protect and protect it.

Up to 100 ecological routes in each of the 10 national parks in our country by specialists of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources. released. Routes are of different distances, difficulty level, and movement can be done on foot, by horse, by car. Many great initiatives have been put forward by the Ministry. However, taking advantage of these opportunities, too many tourists passing through those areas can only harm the nature. In other words, plants may be damaged and fauna may move away from that area. For this reason, the number of entrances to national parks in Western countries is limited.

I would like to mention one point that a number of organizations that organize nature tours regularly post information about their activities on social networks. Among them, Polad Camping club Azerbaijan and Camping Azerbaijan organizations are distinguished by their activities. Azerbaijan Scouts Association regularly holds events for teenagers in nature areas. During the activities carried out by this organization, teenagers are taught tent-building, archery, first aid, campfire, and mountaineering skills in the camp. , Western regions are considered to be our areas with great tourism potential. In these zones, the presence of mountainous, forested areas, rivers, lakes, mineral spring sources, there are all-round opportunities for different recreation in the heart of nature. Local residents warmly welcome and support both local and foreign tourists, and hospitality is at a high level.

By the way, unfortunately, the potential of the Caspian Sea is not used at the proper level. The wider the range of services offered to tourists, the more often tourists will come to that area. There are almost no boating, fishing, and underwater excursions in the sea. Even in Baku, boat trips on the boulevard take place with big breaks. There are all kinds of opportunities to conduct these trips in the format of an excursion. In such a case, the sea trip will be more interesting.

Rural tourism is widespread in regions with beautiful nature – mountains, forests, rivers, and mineral springs. In Western countries, this type of tourism is the most demanded type of tourism among the citizens of the country. For this reason, state and executive authorities fully support this type of tourism. NGOs also have their say here. For example, the Public Union “Support for the development of rural green tourism” played a special role in the popularization of rural tourism. The public association conducts trainings for villagers who provide or want to provide services to tourists in almost all regions of our country. In the trainings, theoretical and practical trainings are organized on the intricacies of tourist services inside the village house, in the yard, in the village and in the rural areas. Within the framework of the projects, the specialists of the public association are preparing the printed materials “Practical recommendations for the owners of guest houses” and “Basics of the activity of rural guest houses”, etc. events have been organized. It would be good if such events were actively organized in the liberated areas in the future.

In general, the local residents know the potential of the regions better, and it is recommended that the institutions engaged in tourism activities make wider use of the services and opportunities of the local residents.

-Education of the population relocated to the regions, ecotourism enthusiasts, amateur fishermen and other groups in terms of environment and ecotourism is the need of the day. What actions are needed in this direction? In general, what should be the awareness measures? What fines can be imposed?

-In general, advertising and awareness should be carried out continuously. Keeping the territory clean, having conditions that meet sanitary and hygiene requirements is not only for catering facilities, but for all residents. Both local and temporary residents and tourists must follow these rules.

Education on cleanliness should be carried out from childhood in families, secondary and higher education institutions, and workplaces.

It is true that in recent years, active actions have been taken to clean forest areas and sea coasts from garbage. But awareness should be more active. I believe that the volunteers who participated in these actions will be more sensitive to cleanliness in the areas where they live in the future.

Ecological balance should become the highest task of every community. Each community member should feel responsible for his/her act of uncleanliness or damage to the flora. Every person should know this responsibility not only when a fine is written on him, but from the beginning. For this, there should be information about being held accountable on TV channels, social networks, and outdoor billboards. Littering of the surrounding areas should not be allowed during tours to the bosom of nature on foot, on horseback, or by bicycle.

-Measures related to the protection of bioresources and living things in water basins are also important in the liberated areas. What measures can be taken to prevent illegal hunting and poaching? What kind of suggestions do you have?

-Cleaning de-mined areas is primarily about protecting people’s lives and protecting natural resources. The explosion of mines poses a threat to human life, and is accompanied by the departure of animals and birds from those areas.

The ecological situation is changing rapidly. For example, in the 60s and 70s of the last century, it was possible to catch crayfish in the amount of a 3-kilogram balloon in the sea for 1-2 hours on Shikh beach. Currently, it is impossible to find so many crustaceans in one day.

Karabakh is an area rich in plant and animal resources. The landscape here has always fascinated visitors to the region. In his play in the 19th century, the famous playwright Mirza Fatali Akhundov showed how the French traveler Monsieur Jordan was fascinated by the flora of Karabakh.

Currently, international rowing competitions are held in the Sugovushan reservoir, residents of Lachin district go fishing in the Hekari river. These opportunities are factors affecting the development of tourism. I believe that every meter of Karabakh territory will have great potential for tourism. The improvement of road infrastructure is the main factor influencing the arrival of tourists to these areas along with the efficient operation of business facilities.

Any violation of rules related to ecotourism and nature should be accompanied by fines. Fines can be implemented not only with material, but also with moral effects. Every citizen who loves the area where he lives and his Motherland must follow the accepted rules. Apple, pomegranate, rice, citrus, culinary and other festivals are held in different regions of our country. First of all, in order to maintain cleanliness, an adequate number of trash cans and bio-toilets should be built, and additional workers should be recruited to monitor and clean them. The same measures apply to the liberated areas.

– What social media projects can be implemented in terms of education, promotion and information for the main audience and target groups in this regard? How should propaganda be built using new media tools?

– At present, conducting propaganda events on online resources is widespread. Negative cases should be shown through “You Tube”, “X” social networks and other sites. At the same time, in order to maintain cleanliness and prevent negative behavior, meetings should be held with local residents, and educational measures should be implemented during festivals and fairs.

The article was prepared within the framework of the “Ecotourism standards in liberated areas” project implemented by the Public Union of Integration to the Globalized World with the financial support of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The position of the author or the interviewee and the position of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations may not be consistent.

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