“The fight against poachers is the duty of every amateur fisherman”

The destruction of fish and other living things by giving electricity to the water in Baku should be done both by education and by demanding the law.

Clean maintenance and protection of water basins in Azerbaijan, prevention of depletion of biodiversity in waters is one of the constitutional duties of every member of society. Recently, this issue has become more relevant. The Globalized World Integration Public Union with the support of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan implements the project “Monitoring of a number of water basins of the country and their biodiversity”. The purpose of the project is to help maintain and protect water basins in Azerbaijan, protect biodiversity in waters, restore control over water resources in Karabakh, maintain the beauty of nature and the cleanliness of the environment, and increase the attractiveness of the country in terms of tourism, especially ecotourism. Within the framework of the project, the opinions and proposals related to the topic are learned from experts in the field, public associations and social activists. Our interlocutor on the topic is Chingiz Ganiyev, deputy chairman for foreign relations of the Baku Fishermen and Underwater Hunters Club.

First you would introduce yourself.

Chingiz Ganiyev, amateur fisherman, deputy chairman for foreign relations of the Baku Fishermen and Underwater Hunters Club.

Which regions of Azerbaijan do you consider more favorable for fishing tourism?

For example, in the internal water basins, such basins as Shamkir reservoir and Mingachevir reservoir can be considered favorable from this point of view. From the shores of the Caspian Sea, I would consider Zira and Turkan coasts acceptable. In general, investment is needed for this work.

The issue of protection of water resources and their bioresources is becoming more and more urgent in Azerbaijan. How do you assess the situation in this area?

First of all, I would like to note that the situation in this area can be adequately assessed. But in order to further improve the situation in this field, it is possible to do better together as a society. Our club members are always ready for this. First of all, we educated our club members in this area. Enlightenment is an ongoing process. As a club, we are ready to educate other fishermen in various ways.

As an amateur angler, what suggestions can you make to protect water resources and their bioresources?

The use of synthetic nets, which are prohibited in the country, and the destruction of fish and other living things by electrifying the water, should be prevented through both education and the methods required by law. The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and the Water Transport Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs take necessary measures for this. But still many of our people are engaged in poaching. This is unfortunate. Regarding this point, it is necessary to emphasize that first we must teach our citizens to love nature.

How should water resources and biodiversity be protected in our liberated areas?

The resources of our freed territories, including our water resources and biodiversity, are still under the control of state institutions. A conceptual approach can also be applied to these areas when they are subject to massive anthropogenic influence.

How should every amateur fisherman act in the fight against poaching?

The fight against poachers is the duty of every amateur fisherman. When they see it, they should report it to the Water Transport Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the hotlines of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources. In general, every person, citizen must fulfill his responsibility in this field.

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