How to fight against poaching?

Sports fisherman Ilkin Umudov: “Social media and mass media should be widely used for the purpose of education and information, the fines applied and information about responsibility”

Clean maintenance and protection of water bodies in Azerbaijan, prevention of depletion of biodiversity in waters is one of the constitutional duties of every member of society. Recently, this issue has become more relevant.The Globalized World Integration Public Union with the support of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan implements the project “Monitoring of a number of water basins of the country and their biodiversity”. The purpose of the project is to help maintain and protect water basins in Azerbaijan, protect biodiversity in waters, restore control over water resources in Karabakh, maintain the beauty of nature and the cleanliness of the environment, and increase the attractiveness of the country in terms of tourism, especially ecotourism. Within the framework of the project, the opinions and proposals related to the topic are learned from experts in the field, public associations and social activists. Our interviewer on the topic is sports fisherman Ilkin Umudov.

First you would introduce yourself.

First Umudov. I am a sports fisherman.

Which regions of Azerbaijan do you consider more favorable for fishing tourism?

There are many favorable places in our country from this point of view. It is possible to develop this type of tourism on the coast of the Caspian Sea, on the coasts of Baku and many regions. For example, the coasts of Siyazan region, Zira, Turkan and Shikh in Baku, Narimanabad village in Lankaran, and Ashiqbayramli lake located in Ismayilli, Mingachevir reservoir, Khanbulan lake located in Lankaran, Goygol, etc. in internal water basins. places can be considered suitable in this regard. However, I must say that it is very important to study and apply international experience in terms of fishing tourism.

The issue of protecting water resources and their biodiversity is becoming more and more urgent in Azerbaijan. How do you assess the situation in this field?

Yes, you mentioned it right. This issue remains relevant for us. Because the protection of water bioresources should be understood as a trust for future generations. Every member of society should understand this. If we do not protect our nature today, we cannot talk about the future. I would like to mention one important point that control measures are being strengthened in our country regarding this issue. Recently, strict steps have been taken by our state institutions in this regard, and this is commendable. Because we have started to observe positive results.

Su resurslarının və onlardakı bioresursların qorunmasında bir həvəskar balıqçı kimi hansı təklifləriniz ola bilər?

I can mention these. Industrial fishermen, who used to fish with synthetic nets, need to replace these fishing tools with other, i.e. non-harmful fishing tools (woven nets). The sale and use of synthetic nets for this purpose is prohibited. Synthetic nets have a mass killing effect on fish and other aquatic bioresources. The poachers who catch fish with electric and chemical methods should give up this work and find a normal profession for themselves. I urge them not to engage in this harmful business. In fact, if they are properly and thoroughly educated about it, they will never do it again. Experiences about this also show that education is necessary. For example, after I informed a citizen who started poaching without knowing, he did not try to engage in this business again, he even fought against such situations himself.

How should water resources and their biodiversity be protected in our liberated areas?

Protection of nature, environment and bioresources in those areas should be carried out in accordance with the laws of Azerbaijan. Those areas should be cleared of mine traps, and all harmful elements should be neutralized. At present, our relevant institutions are performing their duties in this field properly.

How should every amateur fisherman act in the fight against poaching?

In this regard, I think that the relevant institutions should be informed first. In other words, the relevant authorities should be informed about poaching cases. If necessary, an enlightening conversation should be held with the broconier. Social media and mass media should be widely used to educate and inform, to inform about the fines and liability that apply.

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