Dynamic economic success

Great Leader Heydar Aliyev: “The leading force of our economy is the private sector, entrepreneurs”

Fundamental reforms are being carried out in Azerbaijan in order to develop entrepreneurship and create a favorable business environment. It follows from the requirements of the economic development strategy and is always at the center of it. Ensuring the sustainable and balanced development of the country’s economy, accelerating the development of regions is one of the priority tasks of the current stage of socio-economic progress and is being successfully implemented within the framework of the adopted targeted state programs. The private sector plays an important role in achieving dynamic success, which is conditioned by the creation of favorable conditions for the business environment. “The leading force of our economy is the private sector, entrepreneurs,” said Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, correctly defining the strategic tasks and goals facing the republic during the transition from one socio-economic formation to another. Addressing the potential of positive development models that have been successfully tested in the experience of advanced countries of the world, the Great Leader succeeded in adapting them to the realities of Azerbaijan. In a short time, a modern innovative development model has been established that stimulates the flow of investment into the country. This model was an economic model that paved the way for private ownership, entrepreneurship, free competition, included liberalism, and had a pro-social nature.

Financial and legal support for entrepreneurship was created by the state, and the financial needs of small and medium entrepreneurs were met. In the field of creation of the market infrastructure of entrepreneurship, measures are being taken to create the first industrial town and network of business centers in the republic. As a result of this, state-entrepreneur relations have been developed, significant steps have been taken in the direction of improving the entrepreneurship regulation system. Effective mechanisms for the protection of entrepreneurs’ rights have been improved, cases of illegal interference have decreased. Regular measures are being taken in the direction of strengthening the consulting and information provision of entrepreneurship and the development of business relations.

Great Leader Heydar Aliyev always emphasized that the state of Azerbaijan considers rapid development of entrepreneurship as an important factor in solving economic and social problems in the country and strengthening stability in society: has definitely taken the line of attracting capital and foreign investments to Azerbaijan and creating favorable conditions for foreign investors. In short, we are talking about a free market economy. In this regard, I have invited all those who are interested in economic cooperation with Azerbaijan to our republic, I mean that Azerbaijan is open to the whole world in every way, especially for investments and economic relations, Azerbaijan is open to the business world of the United Kingdom. I have said, and I repeat before you, that Azerbaijan has favorable opportunities for economic cooperation and investments, the leadership of the republic, our state guarantees the protection of investments and the protection of the interests of foreign companies that will start cooperation with Azerbaijan.

At present, the policy in this field is aimed at ensuring the systematic implementation of state protection for entrepreneurship, increasing the efficiency of state support measures for entrepreneurs. Successive measures are being implemented in the direction of the realization of this strategic line. A number of decrees and orders, laws, state programs signed by President Ilham Aliyev have stimulated the development of entrepreneurship and stimulated the development of the non-oil sector. The goal is to ensure the promotion of investments in the country’s economy. “One window” system is considered one of the main elements of electronic government. It envisages the centralization of data, as well as the complete synchronization of all administrative registrations (including tax registration). Business people have an automatic, online and continuous connection with the central system. In practice, this means that licenses are issued centrally and electronically. At this time, the number of registration procedures is reduced, and time loss is avoided.

As a result of the strong economy founded by national leader Heydar Aliyev, the financial opportunities of Azerbaijan, which are significantly increasing year by year, make it an investor country and invest capital in the economy of other countries. The huge processing plants built in Turkey, Georgia, Moldova and other countries play a decisive role in the supply of these products to our republic, and as an investor state, they increase the competitiveness of the world market. At the same time, Azerbaijani businessmen establish their businesses in different countries and expand their scope of activity year by year.Ibrahimova Gulzar Isakhan gizi, Eurasian University vice-rector for scientific affairs, doctor of political sciences, professor


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