Videos and other promotional materials related to ecotourism should be prepared, and natural science should be given an appropriate place in secondary education

Muzaffar Aghakarimov, adviser to the chairman of the Association of Tourism Agencies of Azerbaijan: “In order to prevent poachers, nature protection institutions, law enforcement agencies and public control associations should increase their attention. Principled journalists should be involved in public institutions and every rule violation should be investigated and spread in the media.

Protection of the environment in our liberated territories, compliance with ecotourism standards and proper use of the region’s potential in this regard are important factors in economic reintegration. The massive return of the population to our liberated territories, the creation of settlements and modern infrastructure there has returned Karabakh to our society. However, the mass settlement of these areas, at the same time, the growing international interest in Karabakh, and the desire to travel by foreign tourists make the setting of tourism, especially ecotourism standards, urgent in the region.

The opinions and suggestions of experts and scientists on the subject are of interest to our society.

This time our interviewer on the subject is Muzaffar Aghakarimov, advisor to the chairman of the Association of Tourism Agencies of Azerbaijan.

– Protecting the environment, including water bodies and their bioresources, as well as other natural resources in our liberated territories, is also important in terms of compliance with the principles of “green growth” in our country. In this context, how do you evaluate the measures implemented in our country, including the liberated areas?

– Ecotourism is a relatively new concept in tourism. The beginning of the formation of the concept of ecotourism is considered to be the 80s of the 20th century. Research on this topic appeared for the first time at this time. The earliest concept of sustainable eco-friendly tourism is the German “soft tourism” concept, practiced in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Within this concept, tourism is not only for commercial purposes, but also for respecting nature, culture and local traditions. The goals of ecotours are to explore nature, as well as relaxation, emotional and aesthetic pleasure.

One of the first definitions of ecotourism was given by the Mexican economist and ecologist Hector Ceballos-Lascurain. According to the author, ecotourism is a combination of travel with an ecologically sensitive attitude to nature, which allows the joy of getting to know and learning about flora and fauna to contribute to and combine their preservation. The main goal of ecotourism is to enjoy traveling in the natural environment, communicating with nature, and getting to know regional ethnic characteristics. The main recreational resource of ecological tourism is nature. Considering the above, I highly appreciate the events held in the liberated areas. But at the same time, there is a need for administrative measures to protect nature along with educational activities. Video clips, booklets and brochures should be printed about it, natural science should be given space and attention in secondary schools.

– Within the framework of the great return, people will settle more densely in the territories freed from occupation. This increases the possibility of relatively more pollution of water bodies. In this sense, the education of the population relocated to the regions, ecotourism enthusiasts, amateur fishermen and other groups in terms of environment and ecotourism is the need of the day. What actions are needed in this direction? Are studies being conducted in this direction?

– As people settle in the liberated areas, propaganda and agitation should be carried out in such a way that we must not only use the water with a wing, but at the same time we must keep the water basins clean. Because we and our children use the water in those basins. We need to protect water bodies for the health of the future generation. Ecotourism standards and regulations are clearly communicated to the local population and tourists visiting these places, and memory books are printed. it involves attention to the acquisition of new knowledge about the environment and the formation of environmental awareness;

ecosystem protection – ecotourism requires strict rules regarding the behavior of tourists, as well as the environmental protection of tourism service providers requires direct participation in environmental protection and restoration programs;

direct participation of local population – ecotourism uses local resources by ensuring socio-economic development of areas.

As far as I know, research in this field and analyzes are not performed. However, conducting research in this field is an important requirement of the day.

– What dangers and threats does “Metsamor” have to the Karabakh region, to the ecological situation of the region in general?

“Metsamor” nuclear power plant is a great threat not only to the Karabakh region, but also to the entire South Caucasus. Specific facts about the possible consequences of the accident should be indicated. As a result of the accident, it would have caused a great blow to the people and nature of the South Caucasus. It is for this reason that propaganda work should be carried out among the peoples of the entire Caucasus, especially the South Caucasus, and conferences and symposia should be held on this problem.

– Taking advantage of the potential of ecotourism by following the principles of “green growth” and thereby contributing to the effective reintegration of those areas is also profitable from an economic point of view. It is also reported that the touristic potential of that region is high. In this regard, what steps should be taken to develop ecotourism in those areas?

The main goals of ecotourism include:
harmonizing the relationship between nature, man and society;
forming a responsible attitude to the natural environment and its future in participants of ecological tours; >increasing investments in environmental protection;
encouraging tourism organizations to protect and restore the natural environment by allocating a part of tourism income for these purposes;
economic interests (profit, profit) subordination to global interests, protection of natural resources for future generations.
Travel and tourism should help people achieve harmony with nature. Environmental protection should be an integral part of the tourism development process. The problems of tourism development should be solved with the participation of local authorities and interested citizens. States should notify each other of natural and man-made disasters that may affect the tourism sector. The tourism industry should be based on international law in the field of environmental protection.
A number of factors can affect the problems of ecotourism. These are mainly economic and organizational reasons. Necessary seed capital is needed to finance the establishment of ecocentres that will begin developing targeted ecotourism programs. Investments should be made in ecotourism infrastructure. There should also be funds for an advertising campaign in this area. In addition to these, the limited number of tourist routes in ecotourism zones and their poor infrastructure is also a problem. There should be enough tourism organizations specialized in the field of ecotourism. Bureaucratic bans and restrictions on visits to natural attractive places are mainly due to the lack of development of the mechanism of interaction between the administration of specially protected natural areas and the organizers of ecotourism trips and excursions. Lack of simple recreation services for tourists, lack of ecotourism advertising, limited number of qualified experts in the field of ecotourism, lack of necessary legislative framework for ecotourism are among the problems that can be mentioned in this field.

– Measures related to the protection of bioresources and living things in water basins are also important in the liberated areas. What measures can be taken to prevent illegal hunting and poaching? What are your suggestions?

– In order to prevent poachers, along with nature protection agencies, law enforcement agencies and public control agencies should increase their attention. Principled journalists should be involved in public institutions and every rule violation should be investigated and spread in the media. In general, the potential of the media should be used as a weapon against those who break the rules and laws. This will show its effectiveness.

– What social media projects can be implemented in terms of education, promotion and information for the main audience and target groups in this regard? How should propaganda be built using new media?

– There are certain principles for sustainable tourism. These are sustainable use of natural resources, reduction of consumption and wastage, protection of natural, social and cultural diversity, careful planning, comprehensive approach, integration into regional development plans, support of local economies, participation of local population in tourism development, consultations with stakeholders and the public, etc. covers issues. On the other hand, factors such as staff training and responsible tourism marketing should be given serious consideration for professional ecotourism. We can say that ecotourism is located at the intersection of nature-oriented and sustainable tourism.

State policies in the field of ecotourism of the countries of the world differ significantly. Taking into account geopolitical factors and internal development strategies, the positions of countries regarding the implementation of ecotourism development are different. However, let me note that the development of ecotourism is an integral part of environmental protection activities of a certain area. That is, protected areas attract tourists, and the task of the tourism sector is to provide them with high-quality and cost-effective services. Today, the biggest and most dangerous problem is the depletion and destruction of the natural environment as a result of increasing and poorly controlled human activities, and the disruption of the ecological balance within it.

Social responsibility is an important factor here: ethically using the labor of local people. , taking advantage of local goods, teaching environmental programs for local people and guests should be taken into account. is provided, as a result of which the standard of living of the local population rises. The ecological nature of ecotourism consists of mandatory preservation of the diversity of flora and fauna of recreation zones.In order to achieve this goal, ecological technologies developed with the experience of ecotourism, as well as recommendations of fundamental and applied science are used.

“Ecotourism standards in developed areas” was developed within the framework of the project. The position of the author or the interviewee and the position of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations may not be consistent.

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