Veteran organization named after Hazi Aslanov was elected a member of the Moscow Committee of War Veterans

These days, the veteran organization “Union of Heirs of the Great Victory named after Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Guard Major General Hazi Aslanov” was elected a member of the Moscow Committee of War Veterans. “” was informed about this by the chairman of the veteran organization Ali Kazimov.

“After the establishment of our organization, we first submitted the documents to the Moscow Committee of War Veterans. We were eagerly waiting for an answer. Finally, this positive decision was taken at the meeting of the Plenum of the Committee of Moscow War Veterans on February 29, 2024. Within the framework of cooperation with the committee, we will introduce the heroic children of the Motherland in a wider way in Russia”.

It should be noted that Ali Kazimov is the chairman of the first and only Azerbaijani veterans’ organization represented in the Moscow Committee of War Veterans.

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