Hyrkan forests are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List

The Hirkan forests of Azerbaijan have been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Hyrkan forests are the first natural area of ​​Azerbaijan to be included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Firuddin Aliyev, head of the Biological Diversity Protection Service, said this. He noted that, taking into account the characteristics of the Hyrkan forests, which are rich in relict species and have a very interesting landscape, it was proposed to include this unique area in the UNESCO World Heritage List, for this purpose, the transnational “Hirkan forests” nomination was prepared within the Hirkan National Park and it will be included in 2022. It was presented to the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO at the end of the year. “The decision to include the Hyrkan forests of Azerbaijan in the UNESCO World Heritage List was made at the 45th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee currently in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. “Hirkan forests are a unique forest massif covering the southwestern and southern shores of the Caspian Sea and are one of the rare ecosystems on our planet that have preserved their uniqueness,” the service official emphasized.

Firuddin Aliyev said that the protection of such a natural monument is a successful continuation of the long-term environmental policy of our state. it is a manifestation of his attention to this field. We congratulate everyone for this great success achieved at the international level in the protection of the rich nature of our republic and its delivery to future generations.” 12:15 p.m “At the 45th session of the World Heritage Committee held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the nomination of Azerbaijan’s “Hirkan forests” was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.” “Report” informs that this was announced by the representative office of Azerbaijan to UNESCO on the social network. “This is the 1st natural area included in the World Heritage List of Azerbaijan,” the representative office pointed out.

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