Sayt Azərbaycan Respublikasının Qeyri-Hökumət Təşkilatlarına Dövlət Dəstəyi Agentliyinin maliyyə yardımı ilə hazırlanmışdır

Qloballaşan Dünyaya İnteqrasiya İctimai Birliyi
"Bakı və rayonlarda Xəzər sahillərinin və digər su hövzələrinin monitorinqi" layihəsi. 2022

On the road to legal state building

President Ilham Aliyev: “New legislative initiatives are necessary for the formation and strengthening of the political system”

MPs in the parliament also contribute to the establishment of any state. Laws prepared by them and adopted after making their final decisions acquire legal status. Parliament has a special role in legal state-building and the formation of civil society. As President Ilham Aliyev stated in his speech at the first session of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan of the 6th convocation, the main work of the parliament is legislation: “The process of deepening reforms could not bypass the parliament. The newly formed Milli Majlis will give a new impetus to the reforms. Deputies face great tasks, first of all, in the field of legislation.” Today, our parliamentarians are very efficient in the preparation of draft laws. It should also be noted that the MPs represented in the 6th convocation Milli Majlis can be considered really knowledgeable, educated and professionals in their professions. Mr. President said that systematic reforms should be carried out to improve the activity of the legislative power and to establish healthy political relations. “The main reason for holding early elections was to deepen the systematic reforms carried out in the country and to organize the activities of the Milli Majlis in a more advanced manner,” the head of state added. Today, the Milli Majlis is really successfully carrying out the mission of building a democratic and legal state in the republic. This is proven by the laws adopted by the Milli Majlis regarding the establishment of a democratic state and the improvement of people’s welfare. In this and other directions, the Milli Majlis is discussing a number of draft laws that serve state building. Adoption of these laws also makes a positive contribution to the formation of society.

One of the important factors in the establishment of civil society is the study of the issues that concern citizens and the problems that concern them. In his speech, President Ilham Aliyev gave his recommendations to the newly elected deputies in this direction: “It is necessary to be in constant contact with the voters. Deputies should be active in their constituencies and should be in constant contact with voters. The newly formed Milli Majlis should be morally flawless. Because this is the essence of the reforms carried out.” During the meetings of MPs with voters, it is important to learn such opinions, to learn how people want to live in a democratic society, and to discuss the issues raised in the Milli Majlis. Today, our deputies cope with this task very skillfully. We also see from the media that MPs regularly meet with their constituents. Deputies cannot see many things until they meet people on the ground and learn their opinions. They also meet with the complainants on the ground and learn about the grievances. The most important issue is to raise the dissatisfaction and problems of the constituents of the deputies in the meetings and sessions of the parliament.

After regaining independence, a large number of laws related to the life of the country were adopted as the Milli Majlis. The human factor is at the root of these laws. As the head of the country always says, each of the adopted laws is aimed at making our people live better and in a more stable life: “New legislative initiatives are necessary for the formation and strengthening of the political system. Laws that contribute to the deepening of our economic reforms must be passed. Changing realities necessitate the development of new laws with progressive content. The legislative base related to our national values and their protection should be even wider.” The source of power is the people. The representative of the people participates in election processes, chooses, fights for the success of statehood, etc. From this point of view, the work of protecting every national and moral value in Azerbaijan is also related to our statehood. National moral values are a part of our state, people and nation. The protection of these values means strengthening the philosophy of our statehood at the same time.

Each country has its own economy, military potential, culture, language, etc. is known by But one of the main documents that recognize every state in the world is its constitution. This is also a moral value. The flag, coat of arms, language, religion, president of each country are truly sacred factors. These are closely related and have a great spirituality behind them. If we turn the pages of history and look at the most developed countries today, we will see that these countries respect their flags, religions, and languages from the moment they were established on earth, and they follow the steps taken by them as one person, elevating their president to a truly holy peak. Of course, those countries always win when there is solidarity between the people and the state. All this comes from adherence to moral values. Therefore, the protection of national and moral values in Azerbaijan can be explained on the same level as the protection of statehood

Azerbaijan’s cultural policy, which was founded by our national leader Heydar Aliyev and successfully implemented today by Mr. President Ilham Aliyev, has greatly contributed to the development of our national culture, which is rich in universal moral values. Along with the political, economic, social fields, the works done in each of the cultural fields, the multifaceted achievements achieved have created a strong foundation for the protection and promotion of cultural and spiritual values and the creation of works belonging to a new aesthetic thought. Numerous laws related to our national and moral values have been adopted in the Parliament of Azerbaijan. This means that the preservation of our national and moral values is not spontaneous, but is regulated by relevant laws.

Aghayev Nabi Baba oglu, Head of the Farm Department of the Child Rehabilitation Center of the Scientific-Research Institute of Pediatrics named after K. Y. Farajova

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