Economy Minister Mikayil Jabbarov visited the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

During the meetings held within the framework of the visit of the Minister of Economy to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the possibilities of promoting trade and investments between our countries, and the priority areas of the green energy agenda were discussed.
In the meeting with the Minister of Energy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Prince Abdul Aziz bin Salman Al Saud, the priority directions of the green energy agenda of our countries, the successful results of joint activities in this field and our countries were discussed. opinions were exchanged about the benefits for Opportunities to expand cooperation on potential projects in the energy transition were discussed.

At the meeting, it was brought to attention that increasing the efficiency of renewable energy and the share of alternative energy sources in the energy sector is one of the important issues in the economic development strategy of our country. In this direction, it was noted that importance is attached to cooperation with Saudi Arabia.

The Minister of Economy met with the Investment Minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Khalid bin Abdulaziz Al-Falih. It was emphasized that Azerbaijan-Saudi Arabia economic relations are developing, business relations between business circles are expanding.

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