The mayor of Leninogorsk awarded members of the Azerbaijani diaspora (PHOTO|VIDEO)

On December 28, a traditional event was held in the Palace of Culture – summing up the year with the participation of the Head of the Leninogorsky District, the Mayor of the city Ryagat Khusainov, heads of enterprises, organizations and institutions, individual entrepreneurs, veterans and public organizations.

Ryagat Khusainov, the head of the Leninogorsk district, congratulated all those present with the coming New Year and summed up the preliminary results of the past year.

“The outgoing year was full of trials and challenges, but they only brought us together: today our multinational people are united, as never before. We are proud of our country, our people and our President”, Ryagat Khusainov said at the beginning of the speech.

“In general, 2023 was a year of intense work for us all. You all worked hard and honestly, a significant contribution to the development of the city was made by the work and talent of every Leningrader. A good foundation has been provided and laid for the further development of our district. Evaluating the passing year, we can say with confidence that for the city it has become a new interesting page in the annals of its development. As I celebrate the passing year, I want to say words of special gratitude to every Leninist,” Ryagat Khusainov said in conclusion.

According to tradition, deputies, heads of enterprises and organizations, individual entrepreneurs took part in the All-Russian charity event “Christmas Tree” and fulfilled the wishes of young Leninogreans.

Next, the Head of the Leninogorsk District held an awarding ceremony for outstanding residents of the city of Leninogorsk District. The event continued with a festive concert.

44 heads of enterprises and organizations were awarded with a letter of thanks from the Head of the Leninogorsk District “For an active civic position, sincere charity and personal contribution to the development of the city and district”.

9 leaders were awarded “For an active civic position, education of the younger generation, preservation of culture and traditions of the city and district”.

12 leaders and chairmen were awarded with a letter of thanks from the Head of the Leninogorsk District “For an active civic position, socially significant activity and personal contribution to the development of the city and district”.

Among the awarded chairman of the Local Public Organization of the Azerbaijan National-Cultural Autonomous City of Leninogorsk and Leninogorsk District of the Republic of Tatarstan “Birlik” (“Unity”) Ramiz Mamedov and the director of OOO “PRODSERVIS-S” Mustafa Mustafaev.
We note that the Local Public Organization of the Azerbaijan National Cultural Autonomy “Birlik” (Unity) has been engaged in charity work for many years on the initiative of its leader Ramiz Mamedov, providing assistance to public organizations, elderly people, and families with many children.

In 2014, Ramiz Mamedov was awarded the diploma of the republican competition “Blagotvoritel 2014”.

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