A veteran organization named after Guard General Azi Aslanov was established in Moscow

In the building of the Council of Veterans of the Ochakovo-Matveevskoye district of the Western Administrative District (JSC) of Moscow, an event was held dedicated to the creation of the veteran organization “Association of the heirs of the Great Victory named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Guard General of Tank Forces Azi Aslanov.”

According to AZERTAC, the organization was founded by the chairman of the Azerbaijan National-Cultural Autonomy CJSC Ali Kazimov, a member of the Information Commission of the Moscow Committee of War Veterans, the deputy chairman of the Azerbaijan National-Cultural Autonomy CJSC Irina Silina, a representative of the All-Russian public organization “Labor Valor of Russia”, Valentina Dubinina and a military veteran -space forces, retired colonel Chingiz Kafarov.

The event was attended by the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Ochakovo-Matveevskoye District of Moscow, Rear Admiral Sergei Streltsov, Major General Valentin Kurnyshov, First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Union of Reserve Officers Anatoly Zhuravlev, combat veterans Yashar Jafarov, Ilgar Mamedov and others.

During the event, the organization’s work plan for 2024 was adopted. A decision was made to include the organization in the Moscow Committee of War Veterans.

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