The 85th anniversary of the poet-playwright Miryusif Mirnasiroglu was celebrated in Moscow

A musical literary-artistic evening dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the well-known poet-playwright Miryusif Mirnasiroglu was held in Moscow. It was no coincidence that the event was planned at a time when the people of Azerbaijan were experiencing the joy of Victory.

Miryusif Mirnasiroglu was a poet who rebelled against the world for this war, this aggression, and roared in his poems. And even though he did not see this great victory, he said with confidence that it will come one day and that we will achieve it under the leadership of the Commander-in-Chief of our lands.

The night started with a short film-plot as an extract from the event celebrated in connection with the 55th anniversary of the poet’s work in “Baku” cinema of Moscow many years ago in 2007.

Then Ali Kazimov, one of the organizers of the event, the chairman of the National Cultural Autonomy of Azerbaijanis in the Moscow Western administrative district, came on stage and greeted the guests. Ali Kazimov, who expressed the emphasis of Miryusif Mirnasiroglu’s poetry, declared the event open, saying that holding such literary and artistic evenings is important in terms of getting to know and introduce our poets and playwrights.

Those who knew the poet closely, were familiar with his work, and had shared memories with him gathered at the night.

Historian scientist, professor, poet Ashraf Huseynli, poet Afag Shikhli, a member of the Union of Writers of Azerbaijan and Russia, participated in the event as guest speakers of the evening.

In their speeches, both intellectuals talk about the unique shades of Miryusif Mirnasiroglu’s poetry.

Poet Ashraf Huseynli mentioned that his business and literary paths crossed with Miryusif Mirnasiroglu from time to time, and that they had poetry talks together.

Poet Afag Shikhli Miryusif Mirnasiroglu drew attention to the continuation of the line of the value given to a person, the inculcation of human qualities, the love of God, and the integration of the love of the Motherland in his poetry.
Among those who spoke at the night, our intellectuals who talked about their sweet memories and the creator of Miryusif Mirnasiroglu –
Vasif Mammadov, chairman of “Shahriyar” literary and cultural society,
Ahmad Abulov, public figure,
Haji Nizami Baloglanov, the chairman of the “Ahli Beyt” religious society, made a good impression on everyone he talked to.

His son Miryunis Mirnasiroglu, who participated in the event organized in memory of the poet, began his speech with deep gratitude to the Azerbaijani intellectuals of Moscow, who were the addressees of the solemn events dedicated to the memory of his father:
“Agam was an intellectual who devoted his life to the Motherland, nation, literature, theater, cinema, never tired of working on this path and turned his heart into a fire with the fire of our occupied lands. He was a person who grew up in a spiritual family, who knew religion, land, homeland, and faith. And today I see what kind of poet he is and I am proud of the words I heard about him from the tracks.”
And even though he did not come to the fore tonight, our compatriot lawyer Alshan Zakirov, who persisted in promoting Miryusif Mirnasiroglu for many years and worked hard to bring his creativity to everyone, his role in holding this night and in making my father’s works and voice heard beyond the borders of the country. and his hard work is great. He concluded his speech by thanking him and everyone gathered here.

Journalists Tunzale Veligizi and Jafarsadiq Abbasov, the presenters of the evening, informed the meeting participants about the poet’s life and work before each presentation, and played his rubai. Their voice was joined by ladies from among the participants in the hall.

During the evening, the history of famous songs, which were presented under the name of another author, although their signature belonged to Miryusif Mirnasirogiun, was also remembered.

One of the singing guests of the evening, the well-known singer of Azerbaijan Fdaya Lachin performed the songs “Shahnaz classification” and “Stay, sane gurdan” composed by Bahram Nasibov to the words of Miryusif Mrnasiroglu, who is a master of languages. People’s Artist of Azerbaijan Sarkhan Sarkhan added special color to the evening dedicated to the memory of Miryusif Mirnasiroglu with his songs in the spirit of national patriotism.

The night ended under the sounds of the Azerbaijani national anthem.

Tuznala Velikizi

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