A cruise ship will be put into service on the Caspian until the next tourism season

The “Pyotr Velikiy” cruise ship, which will sail in the Caspian Sea, is planned to be commissioned by the next tourism season. According to the Russian media, the governor of the Astrakhan region of Russia, Igor Babushkin, said this. According to him, the tests of the ship are currently underway. , partners from Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan are ready to consider the possibilities of creating new cruise routes. “Pyotr Velikiy” will sail in the Volga River, Azov, Black and Caspian seas, including the ports of Aktau, Turkmenbashi, Baku and Makhachkala. According to I. Babushkin, for more than 60 years, , ships of this class are not built in Russia: when the Pyotr Velikiy cruise ship was built, Astrakhan shipbuilders mastered a new direction in shipbuilding. This will allow our region to accept orders for similar works. “Pyotr Velikiy” was built at the “Lotos” shipyard for the “Mosturflot” operator. On board the ship, passengers will be able to use the restaurant, spa, gym, swimming pool and sauna. In total, the “floating hotel” has 155 cabins that accommodate 310 people. 90 employees will serve tourists. By the end of the year, the ship will be tested in rivers and at sea.

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