A round table was held at the central office of the Association of Nuclear Industry Construction Organizations

04/16/24 in Moscow, at the central office of the Association of Organizations of the Nuclear Industry Construction Complex, a round table was held. The meeting was attended by the Secretary General of the Alliance of the Peoples of the World, Doctor of Philosophy Alexander Shapiro Suliman, the business coordinator of the Alliance of the Peoples of the World Svetlana Kirillov, the Department of Communications Musaev Eli. Participating on behalf of ASCAO were Deputy General Director of ASCAO Alexander Frolov,
General Director of the Consulting Agency Association of Organizations of the Construction Complex of the Nuclear Industry Anikin Alexander, First Deputy General Director of ASCAO Eliovich Artem, Vice-President of the SHANGHAI ORGANIZATION OF CONSTRUCTION AND PRODUCTION INDUSTRY Tadzhiev Alisher. At the meeting, a memorandum was signed and issues were also discussed regarding the upcoming BRICS SHOS forum in Baku, Azerbaijan, which will be held on April 17-19, 2024. The Secretary General of the Alliance of the Peoples of the World, Dr. Alexander Shapiro Suliman, presented all participants with VIP cards of the ALEXPRO club and accepted ALLIANCE&ALEXPRO VIP as members CLUB.

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