A dead whale exploded in front of people – PHOTO

Fishermen encountered a very scary sight on the coast of California, USA – the corpse of a dead killer whale exploded.

Local residents shared a video about this on social networks. caught on the cameras of the fishermen on the boat. When people were filming the huge carcass, an incredible thing happened – the whale’s body exploded, the water around it turned red, and the animal’s intestines spilled into the water.

According to ichthyologists, the explosion was the product of the vital activity of bacteria that began to decompose the dead whale’s body from the inside, and the body it happened as a result of the gases collected in it.

This event, as you can see, was well known to whalers in the past. They knew that such an “explosion” can be prevented by piercing the hard skin of the whale in several places so that the accumulated gases can escape freely. -slowly begins to sink under water.

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