The “Civil Society” Monitoring Coalition was established in connection with the presidential elections

The “Civil Society” Monitoring Coalition was established in order to monitor the extraordinary presidential elections to be held on February 7.

Taking into account the role of this historical political event in the life of the country and its influence on the international reputation, with the aim of transparent, fair and democratic holding of the upcoming elections, ensuring the electoral rights of citizens more effectively and taking into account the importance of the participation of civil society institutions and NGOs in this process, a several well-known, specialized and experienced public organizations in this field – “Independent Law Center” Public Union, “Democratic Election Center” Public Union and “Society Development Center” Public Union to monitor the elections, to observe the electoral districts and polling stations founded a new independent and non-partisan Coalition – “Civil Society” Monitoring Coalition on December 21.

According to the requirements of the legislation, the relevant documents for the registration of the Coalition have already been submitted to the Central Election Commission (CEC).

After the “Civil Toplum” Monitoring Coalition is officially registered, it will start working with a large team of observers in close cooperation with other NGOs.

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