Sayt Azərbaycan Respublikasının Qeyri-Hökumət Təşkilatlarına Dövlət Dəstəyi Agentliyinin maliyyə yardımı ilə hazırlanmışdır

Qloballaşan Dünyaya İnteqrasiya İctimai Birliyi
"Bakı və rayonlarda Xəzər sahillərinin və digər su hövzələrinin monitorinqi" layihəsi. 2022

The symbol of victory is the Victory Parade

Three years ago, on December 10, 2020, a Victory Parade dedicated to the Victory in the Patriotic War was held in Azadlig Square of the capital. The Victory Parade held in honor of the victory of Azerbaijan was recorded as a proud event that will remain forever in the history of our nation. Yes, on that day, the first Victory parade of our Independence history was held. Azerbaijan demonstrated its historical victory to the whole world. This Victory wrote the name of our respected President, Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev in history as the victorious Commander, Azerbaijan Army as the strongest Army. All Azerbaijanis are proud of the glorious history written by the Azerbaijani Army in 44 days under the leadership of the head of our state, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev. The Azerbaijani Army restored justice and put an end to the occupation, today our tricolor flag of Victory is flying in all our lands freed from occupation.
In addition to 3,000 soldiers and officers, the participation of our brother and friend President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the victory parade, as well as officials and representatives of Turkish military units, was a message to the enemy and the great powers behind him. The passing of Azadlig Square shoulder to shoulder by Azerbaijani and Turkish soldiers is recorded as a proud event that will remain forever in the history of nations. On that day, the decoration of all the cities and regions of our country with the flags of Azerbaijan and Turkey was a manifestation of the spiritual closeness of the two native peoples. Azerbaijan-Turkey friendship and brotherhood became stronger and stronger during the Patriotic War. After the second Karabakh war, the nature and dynamics of the relations between the two brotherly countries show that in the new historical conditions, they are determined to move to a deeper and more comprehensive level of relations. In this regard, the Shusha Declaration on alliance relations, which is considered a new confirmation of Azerbaijan-Turkey friendship, brotherhood and unity, is extremely important not only for both countries, but also for the region and the world. At the same time, the whole world once again saw that Azerbaijan and Turkey will stand by each other in all issues from now on. I would like to note that the march of brother Turkish soldiers from the parade was met with enthusiasm and made our nation deeply proud. We see the support of Turkey in the restoration and construction works carried out in the territories freed from occupation after the historical victory. In a word, today Azerbaijan-Turkey relations are developing on a rising line even in the post-war period. At the same time, local and foreign official guests, representatives of the diplomatic corps also participated in the parade. In this regard, the international community once again witnessed how the people of Azerbaijan united like a fist around their President at the December 10 Victory Parade.
One of the memorable things in the victory parade was the display of some of the military equipment belonging to Armenia, which was seized as booty during the war. The display of some of the captured enemy’s military equipment in the Victory Parade, as well as the Military Spoils Park created in the capital’s Khatai district and covering an area of 5 hectares, show the scale of the war and the magnificence of our Victory.
In order to demonstrate the unparalleled heroism and historic victory of our people in the Patriotic War, and to perpetuate the dear memory of our martyrs, the National War Memorial Complex and the Victory Museum are being established in Baku according to the Order of the President of the country Mr. Ilham Aliyev. In addition, every soldier and civilian who contributed to the victory in the Patriotic War is awarded by the state. It was on this occasion that the “Victory” and “Karabagh” orders, as well as 15 new medals, were established. Today, President Mr. Ilham Aliyev is successfully carrying out measures to perpetuate the victory in our country.
Let me note that this victory became a source of pride for the people, because it also united all political forces in the country. In the joint statement signed by the leaders of the political parties regarding the victory, it was confirmed once again that the unity of the people and the government is monolithic in the country, regardless of their political views. This is one of the factors confirming Azerbaijan’s fair position.
As you know, in September of this year, all tasks facing local anti-terrorist measures were completed in just one day – 23 hours. As a result, Azerbaijan has restored its sovereignty.
Yes, today we can say that our nation has not witnessed such a glorious victory in the centuries-old history of Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijani Army completely destroyed the Armenian myth. The people of Azerbaijan united closely around their wise leader and determined commander and put an end to the hegemony of Armenian fascism that lasted for almost 30 years. On November 10, 2020, Armenia was forced to sign the act of capitulation. According to this act of capitulation, Kalbajar, Lachin and Aghdam regions were returned to Azerbaijan without firing a shot, and the Azerbaijani flag was raised there. This shows that Azerbaijan won the war both on the battlefield and on the political level. The Patriotic War, which resulted in the return of our occupied territories by our brave armed forces under the leadership of the President, Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, confirmed once again that our Victorious Army is one of the strongest in the world.
In the end, I would like to say that the public once again witnessed the military strength of our state, the determination of our army to fight and win, at the Victory parade, in which all types of troops of the Azerbaijan Armed Forces, personnel of military formations and military training institutions, and military equipment participated. The parade, where the military power was practically demonstrated, increased the confidence, pride and pride of every Azerbaijani in the power of his army. At the same time, this Victory parade was the next message to the enemy.
Long live the Azerbaijani Army! Long live the people of Azerbaijan! Karabakh is Azerbaijan!

Fizuli Hasanov, chairman of Binagadi district branch of Public Union “Promoting National Heroes”

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