The Karabakh region is of special importance in terms of ecotourism

Expert Vamig Babayev: “Organizing information tours to the liberated areas, forming guides for the area, increasing tourism literacy in the region, promoting other types of tourism in the region along with ecotourism can lead to significant development of tourism in the region”

Freed from occupation protection of the environment in our territories, compliance with ecotourism standards and proper use of the region’s potential in this regard are important factors in economic reintegration. The mass return of the population to our liberated territories, the creation of settlements and modern infrastructure there has returned Karabakh to our society. However, the mass settlement of these areas, at the same time, the growing international interest in Karabakh, and the desire of foreign tourists to travel make the setting of tourism, especially ecotourism standards in the region urgent. is of interest.

This time, our interviewer on the topic is expert Vamig Babayev.
– Protecting the environment, including water bodies and their bioresources, as well as other natural resources in our liberated territories, is also important in terms of compliance with the principles of “green growth” in our country. In this context, how do you evaluate the measures implemented in our country, including the liberated territories?

– It is known that our territories freed from occupation are ecologically rich and have great natural opportunities. Water basins, flowing rivers, and mineral springs in these areas are our real natural wealth. But despite this, as a result of the activity of metallurgical plants operating on water bodies in the territory of Armenia, on the borders of Azerbaijan, those water bodies were deliberately polluted with toxic chemical waste. As a result of this, it was possible to partially prevent the mentioned problem as a result of the measures taken by both our state and NGOs, which are the leading branch of civil society, not being able to keep silent about Armenia’s brutal approach to the environment. Currently, according to the instructions of the head of the country, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, construction and reconstruction works are being carried out in our territories freed from occupation in compliance with all environmental norms and principles, and projects designed for efficient use of water resources are being implemented consistently. Of course, the mentioned points are important in terms of compliance with the principles of “green growth”.

– Taking advantage of the potential of ecotourism by following the principles of “green growth” and thereby contributing to the effective reintegration of those areas is also profitable from an economic point of view. It is also reported that the touristic potential of that region is high. In this regard, what steps should be taken to develop ecotourism in those areas?

– For your information, all regions of Azerbaijan, which are the eyes of the Caucasus, are important in terms of tourism, including ecotourism. But the Karabakh region, which has been freed from occupation, is of special importance from the point of view of ecotourism. It is true that many of our tourism resources were destroyed in this region, which was subjected to Armenian vandalism during the 30-year occupation. But still, despite this, our natural resources in those areas – the diversity of flora and fauna, as well as the relief – make it possible to say that the region is a real tourism center. Over time, the organization of information tours to those areas, the formation of guides for the area, the implementation of the “Great Return” program, the increase of tourism literacy in the region, the promotion of ecotourism and other types of tourism in the region will lead to significant development of tourism in the region. Increasing the tourism potential in the territories freed from occupation will certainly affect the solution of the employment problem of the population living there and the economic stability of the region. At the same time, we will have ample opportunities to introduce Armenian brutality to the citizens of the world.

– Educating the population relocated to the regions within the framework of the Great Return, ecotourism enthusiasts, amateur fishermen and other groups in terms of environment and ecotourism is the need of the day. What actions are needed in this direction? In general, what should be the awareness measures? What fines can be imposed?

– Of course, educating the population relocated to the region is of primary importance. People should be able to treat nature with care, organize recreation in the right order, and follow the laws of our state while engaging in various forms of tourism activities. De-occupied areas are also currently under mine threat. Therefore, education of the society, including the population moving to the region, tourists going on a trip, and most importantly, ecotourists, is of great importance. We can achieve this by organizing awareness and information events through various media, as well as within the framework of projects and programs of Non-Governmental Organizations. As far as fines are concerned, this is a matter under the jurisdiction of the state and its supreme authority. I think that fines and even strict rules should be applied if necessary to keep our green world clean.
– Measures related to the protection of bioresources and living things in water basins are also important in the liberated areas. What measures can be taken to prevent illegal hunting and poaching? What kind of suggestions do you have?

– Territories liberated from occupation are the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and necessary measures should be taken within the framework of the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan against illegal hunters and those who damage nature in those regions. First of all, people moving to the area should try to treat nature with care and promote it. For this, of course, awareness measures are important.

– What social media projects can be implemented in terms of awareness, promotion and information for the main audience and target groups in this regard? How should propaganda be built using new media tools?

– Currently, we live in such a time that everyone, except for the older generation, has at least 1 smartphone, at least 2 social media accounts, and at the same time we live in the Internet age. . These are enough to inform a large crowd by sharing certain announcements. However, it is not known whether it will attract everyone’s attention or not, whether we can attract everyone’s attention or not, whether we can cover the target audience or not. Sometimes it is possible to reach the information of the target group by going door-to-door, conducting events and training seminars for wider awareness. It would be good to inform the public about the events in the new media accounts.

The project “Ecotourism standards in liberated areas” implemented by the Public Union for Integration into the Globalizing World with the financial support of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan prepared within the framework. The position of the author or the interviewee and the position of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations may not be consistent.

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