“Monitoring of our water basins in the territory of the Karabakh economic region should be carried out regularly”

Elman Jafarli, Chairman of “Yashil Dünya” Environmental Awareness Public Union: “The control of Sarsak reservoir should be given to Azerbaijan” Clean maintenance and protection of water bodies in Azerbaijan, prevention of depletion of biodiversity in waters is one of the constitutional duties of every member of society. Recently, this issue has become more relevant. The Globalized World Integration Public Union with the support of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan implements the project “Monitoring of a number of water basins of the country and their biodiversity”. The purpose of the project is to help maintain and protect water basins in Azerbaijan, protect biodiversity in waters, restore control over water resources in Karabakh, maintain the beauty of nature and the cleanliness of the environment, and increase the attractiveness of the country in terms of tourism, especially ecotourism. Within the framework of the project, the opinions and proposals related to the topic are learned from experts in the field, public associations and social activists. This time our interviewer on the topic is Elman Jafarli, the chairman of the “Green World” Environmental Awareness Public Union.
– Mr. Elman, first of all, we ask you to provide information about the activities of your organization and your projects and initiatives in the environmental field.
-“Green World” Environmental Awareness Public Union was founded by a group of volunteer nature lovers on May 3, 2019. Together with my student friend, history teacher Kamal Hajiyev, we used to walk in Sabunchu, Khatai and Nizami districts of Baku in our spare time, register perennial trees and green areas, write information about green areas destroyed by businessmen and share them on social networks and websites. From time to time our activities expanded, we decided that we needed official registration to write letters to the relevant government agencies. Thus, we collected the documents and submitted them to the Ministry of Justice. On December 26 of the same year, the “Green World” Environmental Awareness Public Union was registered with the state. Since then, we have expanded our activities, written projects and applied to donor organizations. We implemented our first project in 2020. The State Support Council for NGOs under the current President of the Republic of Azerbaijan supported our project initiative called “Education of the population about foods that cause poisoning in the summer months”. In 2022, we again participated in the competition announced by the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan. We successfully implemented the project “Organization of educational events for the purpose of forming ecological education in the society”. We also participated in the 2023 small grant competition of the agency. This time, our project “Save Lake Urmia: ecological disaster is at the door” won the competition. Currently, we are about to successfully complete the 3-month project. Within the framework of the project, we have organized video interviews about the environmental disaster in the Urmia region of Southern Azerbaijan, the drying up of Lake Urmia, and published articles and interviews in the mass media. The production of the documentary “Lake Urmu Evaporating on the Gallows” has also been completed. In the near future, we will present the documentary film in one of the higher and secondary schools of Baku. In general, we consider 2023 to be a successful year for our organization. On December 12, 2022, we participated in the action held by eco-activists on the Khankendi-Lachin road. For 3 days, I personally participated in the action held with the request to stop the illegal exploitation of the ore mines located in the Karabakh economic region and to allow the monitoring of the mines.
– How do you evaluate Azerbaijan’s ecotourism opportunities?
– Ecological tourism is a type of tourism related to the care of the environment. The development trend of ecological tourism was determined by the World Tourism Organization, a specialized branch of the United Nations. Ecotourism is purposeful travel to natural areas to gain a deeper interest in the state of the environment and local nature, to further study and understand all of this. During such journeys, the integrity of the ecosystem must be preserved. At the same time, the protection of the ecosystem should be done in a way that benefits the local population. Ecotourism can lead to both conservation and prosperity of nature. Ecotourism is the interaction of tourism activities with the local population. Ecotourism is carried out in natural areas that are less damaged by humans than other types of tourism. Ecotourism does not cause the destruction of the environment and its quality. This work must be done with confidence and skill. Another goal of ecotourism is to create conditions for local people to enjoy nature. This is a trip to nature, and the purpose of the trip is to get acquainted with local nature and traditions. Absheron, Nagorno-Karabakh, Nakhchivan, Sheki, Gabala, Karabakh and other regions of Azerbaijan have wide opportunities for ecotourism.
– In Azerbaijan, the issue of protecting water bodies and their bioresources is becoming more and more urgent. The position of sports fishing associations and experts, whose views we have studied in this field, indicates the existence of such relevance. I would be interested to know your position on this. Which areas of the country’s water bodies are more polluted? What are the main causes of this pollution?
– 70 percent of Azerbaijan’s main sources of drinking water are transboundary rivers. Kura, Araz, Samur and other rivers take their source from neighboring countries. Kura is seriously polluted in the territories of Georgia, Araz, Armenia. The activities of Armenia’s mining industry enterprises, which do not comply with environmental norms and requirements, are subject to excessive pollution of our water resources. The pollution of our rivers with heavy metals and rich industrial waste water does not leave the fauna and flora of these rivers unaffected. Agricultural areas along the river basins are seriously damaged. This situation leads to soil salinization. Therefore, we should use our water resources with maximum economy, update the irrigation system, recycle waste water, and restore technical water networks.
– Can the control of the environmental protection of the tourism centers operating in the ecotourism places be considered satisfactory? It would be interesting to share your observations on such places you have visited.
-Environmental protection, cleanliness, and sanitation issues in the country’s tourist centers are among the points of concern. Many times I have witnessed heartbreaking scenes in tourist centers. A change in public consciousness is absolutely essential. Every person should not look at his resting place as a temporary place, but treat it as his home. No one has the right to litter the place where he rests. Culture of recreation and picnic should be formed in people. In this regard, there is a need to regularly conduct awareness campaigns on television and social media.
– What are your thoughts on what measures should be taken by relevant institutions to protect the cleanliness of ecotourism sites?
– Local executive bodies and municipalities have a great responsibility in this matter. Institutions of civil society should also help them in this work. From time to time, especially in the off-season months, voluntary cleaning and cleaning campaigns should be held on seaside beaches and picnic areas.
– What can we say about the need to monitor water bodies in the uncontrolled areas of Karabakh? -Monitoring of our water basins in the territory of the Karabakh economic region of Azerbaijan should be carried out regularly. For this, negotiations should be held with Russian peacekeepers, inspections should be carried out by relevant state agencies in the Sarsang reservoir, Khachin, Tartar and other rivers.
– Our public associations and society are sounding the alarm about Sarsang water reservoir. What measures should be taken in this regard?
– The Sarsang reservoir, built in 1976 on the territory of the Karabakh economic region of Azerbaijan, on Tartarchay, is in a state of disrepair. Azerbaijan has made repeated appeals to relevant international institutions in this regard. Recently, a group of non-governmental organizations operating in Azerbaijan appealed to the international community regarding the problem. In the appeal, it is emphasized that the Sarsang reservoir, which is in a state of emergency, has become an ecological threat to the region. It is known that in 1993, the reservoir came under the control of the occupying Armenian army, like other areas of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur. In 2002, during the 44-day war, Azerbaijan liberated its lands from occupation. However, the Sarsang reservoir is located in the region controlled by Russian peacekeepers. Currently, the reservoir is under the control of the so-called regime. The reservoir has been neglected for 10 years. The results of the monitoring shows that there is a need for serious repair and restoration works in the water reservoir. Strengthening works should be carried out on the walls and dams of the reservoir located at a height, and the hydrotechnical structure from the Soviet era should be renewed. Neither the so-called regime nor the Armenian side can do this. Imagine what will happen to the surrounding areas if the region receives more than normal rainfall, if the reservoir overflows. Villages inhabited by Azerbaijanis located below the reservoir, agricultural fields, pastures, forest areas, and various infrastructures are under serious threat. This reservoir was built at the expense of Azerbaijan. 30 years ago, 100,000 hectares of agricultural land in 6 regions of Azerbaijan: Aghdam, Barda, Aghjabedi, Tartar, Yevlakh and Goranboy received irrigation water from Sarsang. Armenians do not manage water resources properly. Water resources are distributed unfairly in the region. Therefore, control of the Sarsang reservoir should be given to Azerbaijan.

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