Ecotourism centers should be created in Karabakh, forests should be planted to protect bioresources

Ecological expert Gulchohra Huseynova: “The most important of the ecological restoration works in our liberated areas is forest restoration” .

The mass return of the population to our liberated territories, the creation of settlements and modern infrastructure there has returned Karabakh to our society. However, the mass settlement of these areas, at the same time, the growing international interest in Karabakh, and the desire to travel by foreign tourists make the setting of tourism, especially ecotourism standards, urgent in the region.
The opinions and suggestions of experts and scientists on the subject are of interest to our society.

Our interviewee is Gulchohra Huseynova, Doctor of Philosophy in Biology, Associate Professor of Ecology.

Protection of the environment, including water bodies and their bioresources, as well as other natural resources in our liberated territories is also important in terms of compliance with the principles of “green growth” in our country. In this context, how do you evaluate the measures implemented in our country, including in the liberated areas?

-Measures implemented in the liberated areas to protect the environment, water bodies and their bioresources, as well as other natural resources, “green growth” according to its principles, it is of great importance for Azerbaijan. For this, of course, environmental restoration works should be the first priority. The work of clearing territories from mines and unexploded military ammunition is being carried out rapidly by our state. The most important of ecological restoration works is forest restoration. Forest is water, water is crop, and crop is life. The forest is considered an irreplaceable natural resource. Our forests, which were under the enemy’s feet for more than 30 years, were destroyed by the Armenians, which also led to the pollution of land and water resources. Reforestation and reforestation will help restore ecosystem balance and conserve bioresources. In Karabakh, projects are being prepared to clean and protect water basins, ensure the sustainability of water bioresources and ecosystems. We have enough kahriz in our occupied territories. Kehriz systems, which are a reliable source of pure water, are a valuable asset of our material culture and history. It is our sacred duty to restore them and make them available to the people as a potential water source, protect them, keep them alive, and control the purity of their water. For all this, there is a need to conduct relevant research. Currently, such research is being conducted by our valuable scientists. Thanks to the successful results, the water shortage in our cities and villages will be eliminated in the future.

– Taking advantage of the potential of ecotourism by following the principles of “green growth” and thereby contributing to the effective reintegration of those areas is also profitable from an economic point of view. The touristic potential of our liberated region is highly appreciated. In this regard, what steps should be taken to develop ecotourism in those areas?

– In general, ecotourism will help the development of the local economy and increase employment, along with the protection of the environment. For this, it is important to create ecotourism centers, nature tours and environmental education programs. Scientific research institutions have started to operate in the liberated areas. Our lands, which have been under the enemy’s feet for 30 years, have been made ecologically unfit. During the soil research carried out by our scientists, soil samples are taken from the garden and grain fields in the arable land in the area for the purpose of soil evaluation and monitoring, and the area is visually explored.

-Education of the population relocated to the regions, ecotourism enthusiasts, amateur fishermen and other groups in terms of environment and ecotourism is the need of the day. What kind of actions are needed in this direction?

– Various actions can be implemented to educate the population and various groups in the liberated areas in terms of ecotourism and the environment. First, regular seminars and training programs should be organized for the local population, ecotourism enthusiasts and other groups. These programs should include information about environmental protection, principles of ecotourism and tourism activities without harming nature. Educational programs on ecotourism and environmental protection should be broadcast on local television and radio channels.

The most valuable campaign is the tree planting campaign. Tree planting campaigns should be carried out regularly. Cooperation with international organizations and experts must be established in liberated areas, and modern ecotourism and environmental practices should be applied.

– In general, what should be the educational measures? What fines can be imposed?

– Classes, seminars and trainings on ecology, environmental protection and ecotourism in schools and universities, in the tourism sector, to increase the awareness of the population and various groups about ecotourism and the environment, and to form a sense of responsibility. should be organized. Most importantly, it is necessary to form ecological culture and worldview in people. Besides, of course, fines should be applied for violation of certain rules for environmental protection. These may be related to environmental damage. For example, illegal dumping, illegal hunting, etc. Serious fines should be imposed on individuals and businesses for negative violations such as

– Measures related to the protection of bioresources and living things in water basins are also important in the liberated areas. In this regard, what measures can be taken to prevent illegal hunting and poaching? What are your suggestions?

-It is important to take various measures in order to protect bioresources and living things in water basins, fight against illegal hunting and poaching in liberated areas. These measures will ensure the protection of the environment and support the development of ecotourism. The main thing is that educational work should be carried out periodically and correctly. Thus, public awareness campaigns should be conducted against illegal hunting and poaching, and people should be informed about the harm of these activities. If modern technologies are used, for example, if we use drones and tracking devices, then everyone will avoid illegal hunting.

The article was prepared within the framework of the “Ecotourism standards in liberated areas” project implemented by the Globalized World Integration Public Union with the financial support of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The position of the author or the interviewee and the position of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations may not be consistent.

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