It is necessary to revive health tourism along with ecotourism in Karabakh

Leyla Hasanova: “In the future, tourists will evaluate our health tourism and choose more liberated areas as a destination” . The massive return of the population to our liberated territories, the creation of settlements and modern infrastructure there has returned Karabakh to our society. However, the mass settlement of these areas, at the same time, the growing international interest in Karabakh, the desire of foreign tourists to travel, make the setting of tourism, especially ecotourism, health tourism standards in the region urgent. The opinions and suggestions of experts and scientists on the subject are of interest to our society.

Our interviewee is Leyla Hasanova, a doctor and the head of “Zahra Khatun” Women’s Development Union.

– How do you evaluate the measures implemented within the protection of the environment, including water bodies and mineral springs, in the liberated territories? Because these mineral waters were widely used in medicine and in the treatment of various diseases during the years of the existence of the USSR.

-Indeed, the mountainous part of Karabakh is famous for its world-important mineral water sources. It is true that for many years these resources of ours were looted or destroyed because they were under occupation. But Azerbaijan has already restored its territorial integrity and not only builds social facilities, residential buildings, carries out restoration works, but also takes measures to protect greenery and keep water basins and springs of therapeutic importance clean. Currently, it is time to restore these resources, spend them on the health of the people, and also revive ecotourism, health tourism, and use these mineral waters effectively. When we say ecotourism, of course, parallel health tourism can also be considered. Serious measures can be taken in both directions, and for this we have the resources, economic opportunities, and personnel.
In medicine, mineral waters and baths with underground waters of special composition are widely used. This has historically been the case. In other words, not only during the Soviet period, but also earlier, our doctors advised patients to take advantage of the facilities in these historical places. As you know, some of these medically important waters come out in the form of hot water. Such waters are more useful and important.
Recently, hot waters have been widely used in other areas as well as for treatment purposes. Let me mention once again that the healing properties of different types of mineral water in Azerbaijan have been known since ancient times. It is no coincidence that the names of many mineral water springs in our country were given according to their healing properties. From ancient times, the scabies disease of the Koturlusu spring,Yelisu spring is said to cure wind disease. They were given such names because the hot spring water is hot. Even as far as I know, ancient bath buildings built around some hot mineral water springs still remain. For example, Khaltan, Istisu, etc. Since 1937, complex scientific research works have been carried out in most of the most important mineral water deposits of Azerbaijan (Istisu, Turshsu, Chukhuryurd, Masalli, Meshali, etc.).
This should be appreciated. Due to geological and geochemical conditions, radioactive elements are also present in underground waters of some regions. One of the most common radioactive elements in rivers is radon gas. The presence of radon gas in waters increases their healing properties. Radon waters are rarely found in nature. In Azerbaijan, Kalbajar and Lachin districts attract attention in this regard. Mineral waters called Bağırsak (Kalbajar region) are the brightest type of radon waters. In this sense, when talking about the topic, the resort areas are also noteworthy. The resort zone stretching from north to south, i.e. from Khankendi to Shusha, in all areas of this region attracts special attention to the group of resorts of the mountainous part of Karabakh. Most of the known mineral water springs: Turshsu, Shirvan, Cheraktar, Kolatag, Zardanashen, Tumu, etc. located in the western part of this zone.
– You mentioned health tourism. Complexes in this direction have not yet been established in the liberated areas. What prospects does health tourism promise in the near future? Just as the therapeutic value of Naftalan baths and the oil found here is known to the whole world, everyone should know the importance of underground water and hot water in the liberated areas. I think that in the future, tourists will choose more liberated areas as their destination for this purpose. Because there may be such waters here, the composition of which can cause complications such as rheumatism, joint pain, arthrosis, pisariosis, hermatitis, neurodermatitis, fungal disease, eczema, kidney and urinary tract diseases – pyelitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, as well as radiculitis, prostatitis, hypertension, liver diseases and gall diseases, women’s diseases, gastrointestinal pains, traumatic pains can be treated. In addition, tourists should be taught that natural, healing mineral table water taken after eating, as well as during the treatment of various diseases and for other purposes, is more common in areas with a good ecological condition, such as Karabakh. In general, not only sick people come to resort places, but also people who wish to have a healthy vacation and have enough funds for this. It is true that the number of tourists who come for treatment is less than the number of those who want to relax and have fun. However, I am sure that after certain restoration and reconstruction works are done in the tourist places in the liberated areas, the number of tourists who use the health tourism potential of this place and want to visit the region for treatment will increase steadily. Thanks to health tourism, the geography of tourist places will expand.

– Tourism recreation zones are created in liberated areas. Can this factor attract foreign and local tourists who choose medical tourism to the region?

-If we talk specifically about the future prospects of health tourism, yes, one point can be remembered that last year only 5 tourist recreation zones were opened in Kalbajar. information was spread that it will be created. It is reported that 2 of them, Istusu and Zulfugarlı tourist recreation zones, will be specialized zones purely in terms of health tourism. Here, it is said that only the development of health tourism will be worked on. In addition, it can create future investment potential in Istisu and Zulfugarlı. That is, there are many measures taken by our state in this direction, which promise serious prospects for the future. This type of tourism is very important for our health and the rehabilitation of our patients. Health tourism in liberated areas has great potential. After all, the perspective of our lands on the topic we are talking about has been known to everyone since the past, not now.Even in the Soviet era, the Istisu thermal center of Kalbajar, where health tourism opportunities existed, and the bolneological sanatoriums of Shushan and Aghdam were famous throughout the USSR. Resort establishments, boarding houses and sanatoriums in Shusha, Turshsu meadows, Sakili spring, Isa spring, and the legendary Jıdır plain have become favorite places for travelers. An important part of the hundreds of thousands of tourists who came to our republic fell to Karabakh. The enemy destroyed our people’s houses, state facilities, religious and historical monuments, and also destroyed existing sanatorium-resort facilities. But serious measures are being taken for the restoration of sanatoriums and the development of health tourism, and we doctors are also happy about it.

-Education of the population relocated to the regions as part of the Great Return, ecotourism, health tourism enthusiasts from the point of view of the environment is also the need of the day. What actions are needed in this direction?

-You are right. Sometimes, in the Azerbaijan segment of social networks, we come across photos and videos showing the pollution of springs and other health-important water bodies by people who go there as guests or make regular trips. As we mentioned above, if things go according to plan, tourists will be able to get high-quality medical treatment here in the future. That’s why we have to form this culture from now on, so that the foreigners who come will see that everywhere is clean. In general, the medicinal properties of hot springs located in different regions of Azerbaijan, such as Duzdag in Nakhchivan, Galaalti in Shabran, etc. people always took advantage and did not litter the place. Now we hope that our citizens who go to the liberated areas within the framework of the Great Return will be sensitive to the facilities, springs and other areas that will be important for the development of health tourism. I personally think that NGOs and the media will play a big role in this matter. We have an organization. This organization, called “Zahra Khatun” Women’s Development Union, has implemented various projects. It is true, mainly women’s health and other similar topics were touched upon. But if the need arises, we can also implement educational projects in the direction of health tourism in the liberated areas and the impact of the resources we talked about on the health of our people. That is, this is such a sensitive topic that organizations with a specific direction of activity should not be needed for this. Educational events can be carried out under any name, by any organization that has chosen any field of activity. Because we are talking about the return of hundreds of thousands of people to their ancestral homes. There will be a need for serious educational measures here. In this case, only the state should not take measures alone. Personally, I often implement projects with the public association and as a medical worker, I am ready to contribute to the maximum. In the framework of the great return, educational actions can be organized for the population and various groups on the topic of environment and ecotourism, as well as on health tourism. A number of creative measures can be implemented for this. We can organize such seminars outdoors in places where we have health festivals and springs, spas and other important healing resources. Attracting not only local and foreign experts, scientists specializing in mineral waters, and doctors can be effective in raising awareness. You spoke about the ecological situation of water bodies. The more our water bodies are protected, the stronger the health of our people will be. That is, it is necessary to take a complex approach to the issue,not only the ecological condition of mineral waters, springs or resort areas, we must promote the protection of the nature of our water basins in general, so that our health and the resources we will inherit for future generations are not weak.

The article was prepared within the framework of the “Ecotourism standards in liberated areas” project implemented by the Public Union of Integration to the Globalized World with the financial support of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The position of the author or the interviewee and the position of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations may not be consistent.

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