A public hearing was held regarding the removal of dead and damaged trees

Public hearing on the removal of dead and damaged trees from the territory of the administrative building of the Ministry of Health, Saray Modular Tuberculosis Hospital, Mardakan Rehabilitation Boarding House, “Sahil” camp located in Mardakan settlement, and the aging complex built by “Xatai Park” LLC construction company at the State Environmental Expertise Agency. was held.

“Report” informs that at the event, which took place with the participation of ecologists, NGOs, as well as other interested parties The work to be done in the direction of removal of greenery, cost of restoration, protection and improvement of the ecological situation was discussed.

At the hearing, 60 units in the yard of Saray Modular Anti-Tuberculosis Hospital, 25 units in the yard and outside of the administrative building of the Ministry of Health, in Mardakan settlement of Khazar region. to the general opinion about the removal of 8 trees in the “Sahil” camp, and 35 trees in the courtyard of the Mardakan Rehabilitation Boarding House. and the importance of disposing of diseased trees in a special manner and treating the area with drugs was brought to attention.

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