The Russian airline is increasing the number of flights on the Krasnoyarsk-Baku route

From August 31, the Russian airline “IrAero” will double the number of flights on the Krasnoyarsk-Baku route. “Report” informs about this with reference to Krasnoyarsk International Airport. According to information, flights will be carried out twice a week. So, the plane will take off from Krasnoyarsk on Thursday at 20:20 and on Sunday at 18:00 and will arrive in Baku at 22:10 and 19:50, respectively. The plane will take off from Baku at 11:30 on Thursday and arrive in Krasnoyarsk at 19:10. On Sunday, the plane will depart from Azerbaijan at 09:10 and arrive in Russia at 16:50. The ticket price is 23,560 rubles (247 US dollars) for one way, and 57,063 rubles (599 US dollars) for two ways.

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