The height of the snow cover in Shahdag was 2 cm

According to the information of the National Hydrometeorology Service of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources as of 10:00 a.m. on September 19, the weather conditions in the country were unstable, there was lightning, occasional torrential rain, and snow fell in Shahdag. “Report” was informed about this by the National Hydrometeorological Service. It was reported that the amount of precipitation was 48 mm in Astara, 39 mm in Oguz, 34 mm in Lerik, 33 mm in Gabala, 29 mm in Imishli, Gakh (Saribaş), 29 mm in Sheki, 22 mm in Beylagan, 21 mm in Sabirabad (106% of the monthly norm), Ismayilli 20 mm, 19 mm in Balakan, Agdam (56% of the monthly norm), 18 mm in Lankaran, 17 mm in Bilasuvar (98% of the monthly norm), 16 mm in Zagatala, 13 mm in Goychay, 12 mm in Yardimli, Shahdag, Zardab, Tartar 11 mm, up to 8 mm in Kurdamir, Barda, Yevlakh, Goygol, Neftchala, Gusar, Dashkasan, Shamakhi, Gadabey, Naftalan, Ganja, Gobustan, Khaltan, Agsu, Mingachevir, Shirvan, Goytepe, and up to 3 mm in Baku and Absheron Peninsula has been The height of the snow cover was 2 cm in Shahdag. It is expected that the observed unstable, rainy weather conditions in the country will continue until the daytime hours of September 19, and it is expected to pass mostly without rain in most regions on September 20-21.

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