On January 10, 2024, training was held for the trainers of the trainings to be held for observations at the “Civil Toplum” Monitoring Coalition office. Before the training, the co-chairs of the Coalition A. M. Karimov (the head of the Public Union “Independent Law Center”), G. A. İbrahimli (Chairman of the Public Union “Democratic Election Center”) and A. N. Abbasbeyli (“Chairman of the Community Development Center” Public Union) addressed the participants and informed about the “Civil Society” Monitoring Coalition and the tasks ahead in the extraordinary elections of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to be held on February 7, 2024.
Q. Ibrahimli gave detailed information about the Coalition, introduced the founding organizations and their leaders to the participants, and explained the goals and objectives of the Coalition. Then A. N. Abbasbeyli spoke about the election environment and the observation of the election process and informed about the work to be done by the observers of the Coalition in the extraordinary elections of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to be held on February 7, 2024.
“Civil Toplum” held training for trainers with the participation of OSCE long-term observers