“Civil Toplum” conducted trainings for observers in Khachmaz, Guba and Baku

The series of trainings conducted by the “Civil Toplum” Monitoring Coalition for the purpose of training observers continued on January 17, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. in the city of Khachmaz, and at 3:00 p.m. in the city of Guba. Today, on January 18, 2024, a training was held for observers who will operate in Khatai and Narimanov districts of Baku. In the exercises held in Khachmaz and Guba, the co-chairman of the Coalition G. A. Ibrahimli, co-chairmen G. A. at the events held in Baku. Ibrahimli A. N. Abbasbeyli addressed the participants and informed about the “Civil Society” Monitoring Coalition and the tasks ahead in the early elections of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to be held on February 7, 2024. Giving detailed information about the coalition, he introduced the founding organizations and their leaders to the participants, and explained the goals and objectives of the coalition. Then, talking about the election environment, the observation of the election process, he informed about the work to be done by the observers of the Coalition in the early elections of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to be held on February 7, 2024. Emphasizing the importance of observers’ activities in the election process, he said that he believes these trainings will be useful. After the speeches, the training process was started and detailed information was given about the “Memory for Observers” prepared by the Central Election Commission and the election legislation.

During the training, numerous questions of the participants were answered and discussions were held on a number of issues. At the end, relevant documents were presented for trainers.

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