The project dedicated to the monitoring of water bodies and their biodiversity has been completed

Integration into the Globalized World Public Union of the Republic of Azerbaijan Non- With the support of the State Support Agency for Government Organizations, “A number of water in the country “monitoring of watersheds and their biodiversity” project was successfully completed. Note Let’s say that the goal of the project is to keep water basins clean in Azerbaijan and protection, protection of biodiversity in waters, water resources in Karabakh restoration of control, the beauty of nature and the cleanliness of the environment maintaining the attractiveness of the country in terms of tourism, especially ecotourism is to help increase. Within the framework of the project, the English-language and Russian-language versions of the “” website are available given. In addition, the site provides information on water bodies in three languages and Informative posts are posted on the Caspian coast in Baku, Neftchala, Lankaran, rivers and lakes, in Shamkir, Imishli-Sabirabad-Saatli, Agjabadi, Beylagan, Monitoring of rivers, lakes and reservoirs in Absheron regarding waste and poaching conducted, a report dedicated to the monitoring results was published and relevant distributed to institutions.

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