Sayt Azərbaycan Respublikasının Qeyri-Hökumət Təşkilatlarına Dövlət Dəstəyi Agentliyinin maliyyə yardımı ilə hazırlanmışdır

Qloballaşan Dünyaya İnteqrasiya İctimai Birliyi
"Bakı və rayonlarda Xəzər sahillərinin və digər su hövzələrinin monitorinqi" layihəsi. 2022

Azerbaijani version of the peace agreement

3 years ago, on November 10, after the Tripartite Declaration was signed between Azerbaijan, Russia and Armenia, Armenia wanted to make regional maneuvers. From this point of view, Armenia was openly supported mainly by France. Of course, Azerbaijan immediately reacted harshly to this. During this period, President Ilham Aliyev repeatedly condemned France’s position on the Karabakh issue in his speeches. For example, President Ilham Aliyev also touched on France’s actions against Azerbaijan in the speech of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in Astana on October 14 of last year: “The French Foreign Minister made false statements against Azerbaijan, the French Senate and the lower house during the so-called Second Karabakh War They adopted resolutions recognizing “Nagorno-Karabakh”. Although even Armenia itself did not recognize him. We know that another resolution against Azerbaijan is being prepared in the French Senate in mid-November. So, unfortunately, the current leadership of France is different from the previous ones – and I had the opportunity to communicate quite closely with President Chirac, with President Sarkozy, with President Hollande, and the relationship was quite measured, quite friendly, and in France there was a certain Despite the factor of the Armenian diaspora, we always accepted the activity of the previous presidents of France in a balanced manner, – in essence, he crossed out all of this.” Although Russia’s policy towards Azerbaijan and Armenia was loyal, it was clear that it was on the side of Azerbaijan. And the regional maneuvers that Armenia wanted to do worked to its disadvantage in its internal politics in a completely unexpected way. But France did not give any political support to Armenia in this regard. Armenia was somehow left alone in the square. Therefore, the Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, faced the threat of overthrowing his authority. Recently, the Armenian Prime Minister has been making supportive speeches from the owner of the Kremlin. He tries to defend himself with indirect answers to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Today, the Armenian Prime Minister is afraid of the Kremlin’s policy regarding Armenia and its accusations. In other words, he decided to return the way he left Russia’s orbit. But as they say, Russia broke Pashinai’s glam…
Armenia has no choice but to sign Azerbaijan’s version of the peace agreement. With this, the provisions of the Tripartite Declaration will also be implemented. Azerbaijan achieved complete victory over Karabakh. The next stage is the signing of the peace agreement. Armenia still does not declare that it is ready for this. There is no need for mediators’ promises regarding Karabakh. Because Azerbaijan has broken all these promises. Today, only Azerbaijan promises about the Karabakh issue: peace and security must be ensured in the region. Currently, a result that meets the interests of Azerbaijan has been achieved. The statement of November 10 put an end to the occupying policy of Yerevan, which threatened the development of the region. During the 30-year negotiation process, Armenia failed to achieve any of what it wanted to achieve, and the “Greater Armenia” plan failed. If the Armenian Prime Minister accepted the Tripartite Declaration as “write down what you say, bring it, and I will sign it”, he will be in such a situation to sign the peace agreement as well. However, as usual, Western countries such as France, which pretend to be mediators for Armenia, do not allow them to take steps for peace. This is the weakest place in Armenia. The myth that the official Iravan has nurtured for many years about the army has been destroyed. Under the leadership of Supreme Commander-in-Chief Muzaffar, President Ilham Aliyev, the Azerbaijani Army destroyed the myth of the invincibility of the Armenian Army, which had been formed for years, in 44 days at the cost of their lives, forced all forces to reckon with the will of the Azerbaijani people, and restored the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. But Karabakh was lost for Armenia. The West will not be able to interfere in the peace agreement. Azerbaijan’s political, economic and military power has reduced the influence of Western circles in the region. Extending the mandate of Russia’s peacekeeping forces does not seem realistic. On the contrary, Russia has recently begun to withdraw its peacekeeping forces from Karabakh. This is expected. The separatists in Karabakh have already been disarmed. In this regard, the Azerbaijan Army has taken over security control in the region.

Nurullayeva Zenfira Islam girl
Choir teacher of the Central Art School named after Gara Garayev, Honored teacher of the Republic of Azerbaijan

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