A historic opportunity

Kazakhstan-Azerbaijani relations are currently at the highest level

Today, a new stage has emerged in the relations between Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. This is considered a historic opportunity both regionally and internationally. Azerbaijan attaches great importance to relations with the countries of Central Asia, including the Turkish states of the region. In recent years, President Ilham Aliyev’s visits to the countries of Central Asia, and the heads of regional states to Azerbaijan, have become regular. This naturally led to the development of inter-country relations and the creation of new opportunities for cooperation. Kazakhstan is one of the Turkic states with which Azerbaijan has close historical relations. It should be noted that in 2020, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan celebrated the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. Both states, which are considered to be the driving force in their regions for about a third of a century, have come a long way and achieved important results in political, economic, cultural and humanitarian development. That year was significant for diplomatic relations established on August 27, 1992. Although this is a relatively short period from the historical point of view, it still defines an important stage in the formation and development of interstate relations between the two related states. Relations between the two brotherly countries are currently at the highest level.

The key points that determine the level of relations include the Agreement on Strategic Partnership and Alliance Relations signed in Baku in 2005. It was the first document of a strategic nature, marking the deep roots of friendship and alliance between the two countries. Today, there is a wide legal base between Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, consisting of about 90 documents of various nature, including interstate agreements, intergovernmental agreements and others. As for the cooperation format, it is multilateral, UN, OSCE, OIC, CICA, TDT, UTG Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Azerbaijan are among the international and regional organizations actively interacting. By the way, the signing ceremony of Azerbaijan-Kazakhstan documents was held in Baku on March 11 with the participation of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kasim-Jomart Tokayev. President Ilham Aliyev and President Kasim-Jomart Tokayev signed the “Decision of the 1st meeting of the Supreme Interstate Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Also, media, oil, culture, digital, transport, education, etc. between the two countries. documents on mutual recognition were signed. All this will contribute to the strengthening of Azerbaijan-Kazakhstan relations.

Today, Kazakhstan’s activities aimed at promoting peace, security and economic cooperation in the region are appreciated. After Azerbaijan’s victory in the Karabakh conflict, the opening of transport and communication lines in the region is considered an integral part of the new realities that have arisen. On March 11, President Ilham Aliyev spoke about this in his statement to the press regarding the official visit of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kasim-Jomart Tokayev to Azerbaijan: “Despite the fact that we have rich natural resources, we tried to make our transport infrastructure fully comply with international standards today, and we achieved it. . Large-scale transport projects including railways, airports, highways, sea ports were implemented both in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. From this point of view, Kazakhstan is also interested in taking advantage of the opportunities created, which are the reality of the time. In particular, the participation of both countries in the “Digital Silk Road” project will stimulate the development of international transport and communication relations. Trade and economic relations occupy a special place in Azerbaijan-Kazakhstan cooperation. 182 commercial institutions with Kazakh investment (industry, agriculture, construction, transport, trade, service) are registered in our country. 102.2 million dollars were invested from Kazakhstan to Azerbaijan, and 205.2 million dollars were invested from Azerbaijan to Kazakhstan. Last year, trade turnover between our countries amounted to 598.47 million dollars. “Kazakhstan Trade House” was established in Azerbaijan in September 2020 to establish trade and economic relations. “Azerbaijan Trading House” was opened in Astana in May 2021. According to the organizers, this structure acts as a dialogue platform for business circles and promotes the sale of products in the territory of the two countries. The main export goods from Kazakhstan to Azerbaijan are special-purpose floating ships, railway locomotives, oil products, wheat, flour confectionery products. What is exported from Azerbaijan to the brotherly state are propylene and ethylene polymers, textile packaging, wires, cables, apples, pears, quince, etc. are products.

Our countries have shared historical and cultural ties. From now on, these relations will develop and expand in accordance with the interests of both peoples and the state.

Ibrahimova Gulzar Isakhan gizi, Eurasian University vice-rector for scientific affairs, doctor of sciences in political sciences, professor

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