Vugar Bayramov: “Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers simplifies procedures for entrepreneurs”

By the Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers dated April 10, 2023, the amendment of the “Rules for placement of goods under the special customs procedure for internal processing” allows to minimize and optimize the costs of entrepreneurs.This was reported by Vugar Bayramov, a member of the Economic policy, industry and entrepreneurship committee of the Milli Majlis.According to the MP, this decision should be evaluated as a new opportunity for entrepreneurs: “The peculiarity of the decision is that in two cases the goods will be placed under a special customs procedure for internal processing. This means simplification of procedures. Foreign goods will be placed under a special customs procedure for inward processing if there is a purchase agreement that provides for the transfer of goods to the ownership of the owner of the procedure or for the purpose of providing services. This is important for entrepreneurs both in terms of simplifying the procedures, and it will make it possible to place the goods under a special procedure for internal processing under easier conditions.”

It should be recalled that in accordance with the socio-economic development strategy for 2022-2026, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated July 22, 2022, it is planned to simplify preferential customs procedures that can increase export-oriented local production. In this context, the simplification of the conditions of use of the special customs procedure “inward processing” is of particular importance.

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