Why are Lankaran and Astara coasts of the Caspian Sea polluted? – PHOTO

Beautiful and modern tourist facilities are surrounded by piles of garbage, abandoned boats and synthetic nets of illegal fishermen are visible around…

Cleaning and protection of water basins in Azerbaijan, prevention of depletion of biodiversity in waters are among the constitutional duties of every member of society. Recently, this issue has become very important.

Globalized World Integration Public Union with the support of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan implements the project “Monitoring of a number of water basins of the country and their biodiversity”. The purpose of the project is to help maintain and protect water basins in Azerbaijan, protect biodiversity in waters, restore control over water resources in Karabakh, maintain the beauty of nature and the cleanliness of the environment, and increase the attractiveness of the country in terms of tourism, especially ecotourism. Within the framework of the project, the opinions and proposals related to the topic are learned from experts in the field, public associations and social activists. This time, within the framework of the project, we present our observations about the beaches of the Caspian coast in Lankaran and Astara.

The sea coast in Lankaran is more heavily exploited during the season, these beaches are always full due to domestic tourists from other parts of the country, as well as foreign tourists who are rarely seen. Our observations in this field last year showed the same situation. It should also be noted that the black volcanic sands of this place are of therapeutic value, and its water is considered the hardest on all the shores of the Caspian Sea. Based on our observations, we can say that the level of pollution is higher here. In addition, Lankaran’s proximity to the coast increases the level of pollution. From our conversations with the population and our observations, we can conclude that part of the waste water generated in private houses in Lankaran is directly discharged into the Caspian Sea. Also, sewage and waste water from buildings, enterprises and institutions located in the center of the city are poured into the sea through a pipe in front of the railway station. Beaches are areas where waste water is poured into the Caspian Sea. This worsens the ecological situation, makes the beaches dirty and unusable, and has a negative effect on the natural streams and canals in the area. It is not for nothing that the monitoring of the sea water carried out here shows that the level of pollution is higher than the norm. Since the treatment facilities in Lankaran region are unfit for operation, waste water is discharged into the sea without undergoing any treatment process. On the other hand, control of human pollution of coastal and beach areas is weak. As a result, using beaches exposed to waste creates a risk of gastrointestinal and skin diseases. Here too, poaching, use of synthetic nets, and pollution of coastal areas with various fishing equipment and plastic waste are typical.

Although the sea coast of Astara is relatively clean and less affected by anthropogenic influence, the issue of the environment is also relevant here. Although Astara’s beaches are cleaner and receive fewer tourists than neighboring Lankaran, the tourism potential is huge. Recently, in a number of villages located on the Caspian coast in the territory of the region, the construction of beaches in accordance with the standards and the increase in the number of tourist facilities have been observed. For example, in the framework of the project, we visited Shahağacı, Qamishli, etc. areas can be cited as an example in this regard. However, with the start of operation of such facilities, the foundation for the pollution of the coast like in Baku and neighboring Lankaran has been laid. So, cleanliness is not observed on the beaches. Entrepreneurs, the population, as well as relevant institutions need to increase their activity and attention in this direction. In a number of places along the coast, you can witness a very messy scene, even open poaching, the construction of synthetic nets, which are prohibited for sale and use in the country, and the old ones turn the seashore into garbage. From conversations with the population, we come to the conclusion that such synthetic nets are widely used in the area, and the reason why the relevant authorities turn a blind eye to this has created fertile conditions for poaching. As a result, beautiful and modern tourist facilities are surrounded by piles of garbage, abandoned boats and synthetic nets of illegal fishermen, which is unacceptable not only from an environmental point of view, but also from a tourist point of view, and can create a negative impression of the country among foreigners.

In addition to what has been mentioned, we also heard many conversations about poachers killing fish in the rivers of Lankaran, which are important and not, in other water bodies. This is one of the dangerous aspects of poaching. In this region as well, it is necessary to fully solve the employment issues of the population, as well as for the relevant institutions to fulfill their duties related to the protection of water basins and their bioresources more responsibly, so that undesirable situations do not occur in this area…

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