Persons who hunted illegally in the Caspian Sea, Mingachevir reservoir and Katekh river were punished

Persons caught illegally fishing in Sumgait city water area of the Caspian Sea, Mingachevir reservoir and Katekh river.

The official of the State Environmental Security Service, Bahruz Mahammadov, informed “Report” about this.

According to him, during the investigation, it was determined that the people who caught illegal fish were Sumgait city resident Elnur Aliyev, Yevlakh district residents Mehabbat Gasimov, Rasul Eyyubov, Intigam Azizov and Balakan district resident Aslan Rzayev, and hunting tools prohibited from their use were taken from them: “With the facts an act, a protocol has been drawn up and legal measures have been taken against the violators of the law”.

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